For the second slightly smaller Sicilian battle last week we are fighting on the Biazza Ridge. There are several scenarios out there on the web including one in the Warlord ‘Soft underbelly’ campaign book. However our battle is closer to a scenario I found for Rapid Fire by Mark Piper so hats off to him. As usual I have adapted it for Bolt action and my current collection of suitable figures. The scenario will get revisited in a different period sometime as it gives a good challenge to both sides.
Thursday, 27 February 2025
Biazza Ridge : Sicily 1943
Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Battle of Casa de Priolo : Sicily 1943
Nearly caught up now. Our next couple of battles are a return to Sicily, with the newly painted Italians up for a fight. The battles of the 10th and 11th July saw multiple combatants contesting a range of features, villages and objectives inland from the American landings at Gela. Many of these smaller engagements provide idea ‘inspiration’ for scenarios or battles.
At Priolo we have the Italians attack with Tanks against the Paratroopers who have been scattered from their planned drop zones. The American 16th Infantry division is driving inland supported by Naval guns. Then the Herman Goering Division throws its weight into the fight as well.
For the scenario, the Americans have the bulk of their 16th Infantry in and around the village. One of the benefits for this battle was Steve as the Americans had no knowledge of the attacking forces, only that Italians and Germans were involved. The Italians advance on the nearest road Turn 1. Germans from the far side/road turn 3. American reserves. Moving up from the beach (to the left of the table) include Sherman’s and artillery support. The Americans also have paratroopers if they can find their way to the battlefield, they will arrive randomly from the NE (this end corner of the table). The Italian/German objective is to break through the village, to get to the Americans landing on the beaches, tough !
Friday, 21 February 2025
Austerlitz : Lannes vs Bagration
It was my turn to travel over to Martins this month, carrying with me my French. We would be fighting on the Northern flank of Austerlitz where Lannes faced off against Bagration. A battle with lots of Cavalry on both sides an excellent ‘scenario’ picked out by Martin. Mainly flat ground the French would be attacking but could the Stoic Russians hold the line ? Two minor tweaks we use with these rules, giving attack columns +1 tenacity and brigades will break when only a single battalion left this helps to get a conclusion in these larger battles.