Monday 7 May 2018

The Persians are coming : Midianite Camels

While the civil war rages on in the America’s (we played another game yesterday which I’ll get round to blogging this week) I have been determined to get the camel archers I bought at York back in February painted up. These Midianite Camel archers are to add variety to our Blood in the Sand Battles but also to bulk out my growing Persian Forces. They are Irregular minatures, so needs a bit of work ! The riders and camels actually aren’t matched but the camels they were designed for simply looked too small. So quite a bit of careful bending and glueing required. Initially I was going to put two on each mount, but it looked too busy, so I ordered some extra camels and they are now a mix.
I had a couple of spare random Egyptians archers so I’m placed them on a couple of bases to add a bit more variety as well. They will play as either two smaller units or a single mass. Obviously they will scare horses a lot πŸ˜€


  1. Nice, did the same with mine. Another battle to add to the list

    1. Cheers Martin I did copy the idea from you 😜 as I could find anybody who made what I wanted

  2. Good additions to your collection!

    1. Thanks the Persian force is growing slowly

  3. Do the camels get a spit attack?

    1. Not thought of that but they will definately scare horses, ready the archers should minus 3 to hit when shooting as I can’t imagine anything more ridiculous than trying to shoot a bow from a charging camel, perhaps they can only move or shoot....πŸ™‚

  4. Very nice, more dung in the sand to come I see πŸ˜€

  5. Nice models!

    I think my countertop is made of midianite. πŸ˜€
