Saturday 25 January 2020

A return to Saga : Dark Age Battle

We haven’t played Saga for what seems ages and ages. So it felt like a time to give it a go, start of the new year and all that. Anyway we enjoyed it so will definitely be having another game soon perhaps with my extended Crescent and Cross figures ?. Anyway onto the action, a small Viking raiding force has found its way somewhere on the east coast of Northumberland, having sailed their longboat upriver they have jumped ship in search of the usual loot, women plunder etc.......not too many photos today

The village is close to the river, Norsemen attacking from the left, the Saxons need bigger units to make the most of their battleboard and need to play slightly defensively, the Vikings are initially reluctant to rush in
A small unit of fearsome berserkers running through the wooded area 
The Saxon lord’s bodyguard are mounted making them very mobile but with only 4 in a unit although they are strong in combat they are culnerable to shooting so try to keep under cover
Come and have a go !
On the left of the village a unit of levy, despite being fairly soft use long ranged attacks and some clever shield play to defeat the first charge, with a large unit of warriors on the left as well this gives the Saxons the advantage
The Viking archers eventually get too close and are charged by the heavy Saxon cavalry, they are pushed back
The berserkers have been seen off, and the Vikings on the far side of the river are reluctant to charge into combat piecemeal, the Saxon levy take the opportunity to whittle the numbers down
....and suddenly the second unit of Saxon warriors appears from the left trapping the marauders, the Viking Bondi charge in death or glory style but the battle is really up, the Saxons can pick the remainder off unit by unit.

A fun game, unusually we always remember the Saxons being rubbish but they did really well today, may just have been luck, need to keep the units large to keep the bonuses. We’ll be back with Saga soon I hope. 


  1. Lovely set up, lovely figures, never tried saga, got it just haven't had the figures, painting Saxons at the moment so maybe I'll give it a go !
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain an acquired taste but we have played through the original version into second addition and enjoyed both.

  2. Great looking table, your buildings are fabulous what brands are they?


    1. Thanks Matt.........there are three different types, the smallest building is a rendra plastic. The grey stone building picked up in a show it is a slightly rough 3d print but now it is painted it is hard to tell. The church and the other yellowish buildings with thatch came as a set off ebay, they are hollow resin and came painted. Unfortunately i cant remember the company but it was definately ebay .

  3. Very picturesque and entertaining as per usual Matt, first class.

    1. Thanks phil nice to play something different. We played something you will like yesterday and i will try and blog soon

  4. Saga? No thanks! As overrated as Muskets& Tomahawks or any of those TFLS' abominations. But, nice figures and table deserving of better rules!

    1. Just say what you think David :) i know it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I have cooled slightly on M&T as the scenario generator in the game is great bu the rules give a slightly static affair. But thank you for your nice comments:)

    2. You may rely on that, after all I am old fart!😉

    3. I can’t say I ever noticed... ;-)

  5. Another handsome game from you, my friend!

  6. A great looking game Matt...
    Nice to see the Saxons coming out on top...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, yes a rare victory for the Saxons who definately normally struggle against the more aggressive Vikings

  7. Man, I haven’t played Saga in ages. Though that table has more terrain than I remember saga using, but that’s a good thing. 😀

    1. I do like my terrain and we don’t stick by any other prescriptive set up , we certainly enjoyed revisiting the system 👍
