Sunday 28 February 2021

AWI 17th Foot Leicestershire Regiment

Working away in the background painting this week in preparation for a Bunker Hill scenario in a couple of weeks. I needed some Marines for the scenario and as it happens it appears they had a pretty identical uniform to the 17th Foot. So they will be duel purpose on the basis that I won’t play with marines that often ? I also had the 17th Foot flags available already. This was the last of my Perry British plastics although I do have a full unit of British Foundry figures and some recently purchased Hessians and jรคgers. The collection grows ๐Ÿ˜€

Our next battle planned for this evening is the third scenario in the mini campaign with the British looking to get back to Boston all looks quiet at the moment !
The weather has turned for the better up here so finally out for a cycle in the real world where it was warm enough to stop and take a photo ๐Ÿ‘
Above the North edge of the Helvellyn Range and below the road dropping down to Ullswater

Thanks all I am off to make some earthworks !


  1. Fine looking addition Matt, look forward to reading the latest instalment and of course wait with baited breath for the upcoming Bunker Hill bash.

  2. A superb addition to the collection

  3. Beautiful figures, beautiful, table, and especially beautiful countryside. Looking forward to today's battle.

    You are lucky to return to the outdoors for cycling. We still have snow on the ground and frigid temperatures. Expected to begin warming up my week's end (hopefully).

  4. Unit great, Lakes better. Cool post

  5. Matt, the battlefield does look quiet, probably no enemy for miles, I would just get the men to doubly quick and just push on :-)

    Enjoy your game. I like your AWI and am looking forward to Bunker Hill stories.

  6. Another cracking unit Matt and lovely views of the Lake District. Sadly having to stay local here on the edge of Bristol means no scenic views open to me at present:(

  7. Fine chaps there Matt, despite being plaaaastic! Glad metals are next though. As ever the landscape pictures raise the spirits, so thanks.

  8. Splendid looking line infantry and nice views too,looking forward to your earthworks!
    Best Iain

  9. Very nice AWI troops Matt and as the Marines had white facings, seems like they would look very similar to the 17th Foot. Looking forward to your final game in Mr Freitags trio of scenarios although I am not confident if a British victory...but will hope for the best!

  10. Lovely new unit of AWI Redcoats, Matt! You're making it harder for me to get into this period.

  11. Nice job on these 17th foot / marines. I’ve got to get me some of these Perry Plastics eventually. I’m curious how you do the earthworks. ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. You’re a machine when it comes to painting figures, nice unit!
