Friday 23 June 2023

Bolt Action in Sicily, Peninsular Dragoons and lots more Panzers

We have had a few busy days recently and our normal rhythm was disrupted when our daughter managed to end up in hospital. Nine stitches later, which have now been removed, and she is absolutely fine. But this crashed some plans we had for last week. Things back to normal this week before a number of holidays which are planned over the summer. There is a danger all this activity might impact on my hobby time and gaming ?

Anyway a mixed post today to catch up before we head to Wales for a week away.

First up George came up for a battle in the dungeon. I had originally planned a larger Ancient game but with my planning time limited I swopped to a simpler Bolt Action game using my Sicily collection. This saw the Americans defending against a German assault to capture three objectives. Just to give some variety and get the battle into action quickly we used the Chain of command patrol phase. This worked pretty well getting the Germans into the assault much quicker. Vehicles were brought on along roads from the baseline. Onto the action.

The two forces were quite different to hopefully ensure an interesting battle, the German force is dominated by Infantry
Some limited artillery but importantly one of the 215th Pamzer Battalion Tiger tanks, we had some special rules for this as they notoriously broke down on Sicily 
The Americans have a more mixed force with a Sherman an M8, mortars and a number of heavy machine guns
The Germans all deploy during the first turn, the infantry including some Fallschirmjager , the plan if you can call it that was to go for the two side objectives and leave the centre alone ?
GI’s in the farmyard 
Not surprisingly the Germans start taking fire immediately some units get pinned but generally the rest are able to keep moving
Knowing that the Tiger would be both scary and hard to knock out it came on immediately and headed down the road to the right
It starts taking fire from the Sherman but they miss as the Tiger takes aim ! It of course hits the Sherman but I roll a 1 for damage so fails to knock it out.
Having rolled really badly at the start George got the first activation dice next turn after some debate he gave it to the Sherman rolling a 6 to hit then a 6 to damage and another 6 to knock out the Tiger !!!!! dismay on the German side 😢
Anyway the battle goes on the Germans are able to respond knocking out the M8 with a direct hit from their mortar. The infantry despite the heavy fire is closing in on both objectives on the flanks. But the rocky outcrop where the objective is sitting is very exposed to enemy fire
We are close to the end of the battle
The Germans get close to both objectives knocking out pretty much all the American infantry but are not able to close for the win.
The GI’s holding the centre can sit pretty watching the Tiger burn in the distance. A fun game, bolt action giving enough challenge without too much complexity, nice to get the Americans on the table again, it does make me think a slight expansion to the force is due at some point. Either some more infantry or perhaps some Paratroopers
Weather in the UK has been unbelievable over the last couple of weeks and although I haven’t charged any photos this was just to show I have been out cycling.
Tanks tanks tanks ! 
Around Christmas we picked up an painted some British for the Western desert campaign. Although the force has only been out a couple of times there are plans to have a bigger battle. At the time I started looking at picking up some German panzers to supplement the force I already have and so they could support Steve’s Italians. Retailing at £90 the flames of war Afrika Korps box set seemed a good place to start if expensive. Searching Amazon you could get the box for around £60. I thought I would wait. Checking in every few weeks the price has gradually come down. Last week it hit a new low at £45 with free postage….this was too good a bargain to miss so I picked up the set, it works out at just over £2 per item a real bargain.
…and some painting in the background I have been working on some British Heavy cavalry
British heavy Dragoons, I gave these the 1812 helmets but the next unit will probably have the forage hats provided.
They are the warlord figures and thankfully the swords are a good thickness. I still need to get a couple more for the second unit so will hopefully pick these up cheap somewhere.

Well that’s the update for now, lots going on, I am taking some painting with me to wales in case it rains and hopefully get a battle with command and colours.

Thanks for checking in



  1. Lovely looking cavalry unit, great looking Sicily game and thats some result on your boxed set!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, i couldn’t resist the tanks at such a low price 👍

  2. Great looking Cavalry. Glad your daughter mended completely. Being a gamer with no WW2 Germans, it was edifying to see the Tiger get theirs.

    1. Thanks Joe …no WW2 Germans ! I was of course both amused and disappointed when my Tiger exploded 🫣

  3. Great game Matt, and my first Tiger kill.

  4. More gaming goodness emerging from the dungeon Matt, top stuff.

  5. Superb price on the FOW and lovely job on the cavalry.

    1. Thanks Norm……the deal is still out there for anybody interested 🙂

  6. Matt, you are very busy, indeed! I enjoyed the battle report of your game with George. Hard to believe he took out your Tiger. Superb cavalry and superb cycling weather. Cycling weather has been perfect in my neck of the world too. Enjoy your Welsh holiday!

    1. Thanks Jon, a fun game and I guess every now and then a lucky hit happens ! The weather is changing now as we head on holiday 😀

  7. Glad your daughter is ok now. Grand game, new toys at cut price and fine new horsey chaps. In view of those positives I'll let you off the lack of landscape goodness.🏞️

    1. Thanks David there may be a few more landscapes next post 👍

  8. Another great looking table and those cavalry look superb

  9. Sorry to read about your daughter Matt but glad to see it wasn't too serious. The BA game looked great, as do the newly painted cavalry, and that is a very good buy with the DAK box...well done! Enjoy the week in Wales....look forward to lots of pics.

  10. That is quite an update, and another fine looking game. even more poignant given your recent trip to Sicily. Glad to hear your daughter has recovered OK.

    1. Thanks Lawrence hopefully some more Sicily battles in the near future 🤔

  11. Glad the daughter is fine. Great looking game as usual along with the Cav. 😀

  12. Fantastic stuff, glad to hear your daughter is OK - so much armour :-)

    1. Thanks Stu….yes a lot of panzers but they are mainly 3’s

  13. Glad our daughter is ok. All brilliant stuff, tigers overrated

    1. Thanks Martin….never underestimate a Tiger !

  14. Good to hear that your daughter is okay Matt…
    And also good to see so much delightful butterflying…
    I’ve always had a soft spot for desert war… I think it stems from all those lovely articles in the Airfix Magazine buy John Sanders… way way back in the day.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly….always nice to have a change 👍 we will hopefully get a large Desert battle sometIme soon

  15. So much to enjoy there Matt. A good deal on those FoW models and lovely painting as always. Thankfully the hot and humid weather has finally broken, so hope to rack up more miles this week...

    1. Thanks Steve, sat in Wales and it certainly isn’t hot and humid at the moment 😀

  16. Great looking game! I know the player of the Sherman likely ran out & bought a lottery ticket after that Tiger slaying!

  17. Good to hear your daughter is on the mend, Matt. Great to hear your Sicily game went well, and particularly interesting to hear how you added some CoC to BA and it worked well. Love the new unit of Dragoons too.
