Friday, 14 February 2025

Olives and Figs : Phocian Raid on Thessalian Camp

Still catching up ……..

We had the chance of a smaller battle for a change a couple of weeks ago and picked this scenario out of Wargames Soldiers and Strategy No 127, so a nod to them. In the end I changed a few things so perhaps I would describe it as ‘inspired by’ the article. We would be using Lion Rampant.

Rather than sausage and mustard we felt ‘Olives and Figs’ might be a better name, the Phocians would be raiding the Thessalian camp and attempting to burn as many of the camps tents as possible.
The Phocians are predominantly heavy Hoplites but with a couple of lighter support units
The Thessalians have two units within the camp but the rest of their force can be seen in the distance rushing towards the camp
The defenders get the best of the early activations putting them in a good position
But the Phocians eventually get moving the challenge now is can they get to the tents ?
The defenders take some early casualties
and battle becomes quite tense with individual conflicts across the camp
Eventually the Phocians break through to the first objective tent
The Thessalians hold them back initially but the first tent is set to burn
After some very tight fighting another tent is also set alight, but now both sides are almost broken
and with the defenders having one last chance to hold them off they trip on their way across the table and the third tent is set on fire.

Another fun battle which was very close almost right to the last roll of the dice. A bit more painting this week, mainly Italians forces for WW2.
Here a cute little Autoblinda armoured car, a resin Warlord model cheap off eBay

That’s it for now, several more battles to post soon 👍



  1. An excellent game there Matt:). Isn't that a Daimler Dingo armoured car? I have a vague idea the Italians possibly copied them or re-used captured ones, but I can't be sure...

    1. Thanks Steve, yes according to wiki the Lancia Autoblinda Lince was an Italian copy of the Dingo. But with an Italian machine gun.

  2. A good looking game, seems good fun too. Lovely little armoured car, nice addition.

    1. Thanks Donnie hopefully the Autoblinda will get a run out at the weekend ?

  3. That seems like a fun scenario which makes for a good game. I really like the armoured car. Your painting skills always seem to translate beautifully when you work on vehicles.

    1. Thanks Lawrence , you are very kind on my painting skills the photos make them look better 🙂

  4. I can’t keep up! You are pushing out battle reports faster than I can read them and still no sign of Cooch’s Bridge! Nice little action and lovely armored car.
