Wednesday 12 June 2024

More painting and Herculaneum

I’ve been fairly busy this week, with another holiday next week. Mainly though gradually improving my health. However, the painting is progressing fairly well.

First up I have finally painted my first unit of Japanese Samurai/Ashigaru, these are all Perry figures and were quicker than I expected to paint 
Steve gifted me a few extra 15mm bits recently and I have painted these up for North Africa
Some extra Sherman’s
Panzerjager and anti aircraft gun or simple paint schemes
Finally and perhaps my favourite this week a unit of French Carabiniers, Perry plastics painted in their slightly earlier 1810 uniforms 
A rare shot of the sunshine in the Lake District this afternoon.

Finally some more shots from our recent holiday as well as Pompeii of course Vesuvius in 79AD destroyed the smaller town of Herculaneum 

A shot over the preserved town as it is today, the current ground level is shown in the background and the whole of Herculaneum has been excavated below this level, buried as it was in about 8 metres of volcanic rock. Part of the difference between the two famous sites was their preservation due to the type of volcanic rock they were buried by, this means the preservation at Herculaneum was because it wasn’t impacted by volcanic ash.
The site is famous for the level of preservation with lots of wooden items and structures such as the screen above, one of the things you don’t get from other sites is perhaps just how crowded with stuff Roman houses would have been
Also plenty of preserved roadside advertising signs this one outside a shop I think
Like Pompeii lots of shops selling food 
Plenty of mosaics preserved
Herculaneum is very famous for its bath house , but sadly it is currently closed to visitors whilst they work out how to balance tourism with preservation ? The shop above was taken through the locked door 🙂
The site also has many buildings which are preserved to a second or third story and again plenty of garish decorations on show 
I won’t go through the history of excavation at the site which is in itself very interesting, but for a long time they didn’t find any bodies thinking that the majority of the occupants had perhaps escaped, more recent excavations in the area closest to the waterfront at the time found this was the final resting place of many of the occupants of the town.
Another of the well preserved interiors, as I mentioned with Pompeii I have increasing sense that the Romans would have liked Disneyland rather than elegant white marble.

Thanks as always for checking in, I’m away on holiday again next week some I’m not likely to post much 

Matt 👍


  1. More cracking work on show, you are getting a good amount of painting done, I envy you! The Perry Ashigaru look great, very nice work on them.

    1. Thanks Donnie, if you hadn’t guessed painting is my relaxation so it isn’t really a chore more like meditation 🙂

  2. Retirement suits you well! Painting up a storm and jet setting across the globe. Life is good. Really enjoyed your Herculaneum tour. Those Romans were over-the-top decorators.

    1. Thanks Jon. I think my posts may be giving a false impression of my jet setting life at the moment 🤔 which actually feels rather slow. The romans certainly liked their paint !

  3. As you say, I always associate Romans with white marble walls broken up by deep red drapes, whereas these photo do give the impression you would be visually assaulted. Lovely work all round and those carabiniers look great. I think the earlier uniform looks best.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, in Herculaneum you can see where they continued the interior painting outside, and it is pretty clear that in some cases the entire house was decorated with garish colour inside and out !

  4. Splendid progress with the brush. Glad to hear your health is improving too. Lovely pictures of Herculaneum bringing back happy memories of my visit.

  5. I have visited Herculaneum many years ago, a must!! Great pictures...and your Japanese infantry is awesome!

    1. Thanks Phil….not sure how much of Herculaneum is being excavated at the moment I think the work progresses. Lots more Japanese to come 👍

  6. Glad to hear your health is improving Matt! A lovely selection of figures and vehicles there too, excellent quality as always. I've always thought Herculaneum the more interesting of the two sites to visit, and hopefully one day my wife and I will be able to go there. Oh and the sunshine has been in short supply here too:(!

    1. Thanks Steve, I can highly recommend both Pompeii and Herculaneum, one’s experience I think is partly impacted by the weather and the number of other tourists. They both give a great impression of what a Roman town would have been like back in 79AD

  7. Great stuff!
    Love the Ashigaru the most :)

    1. Thanks Michal at least I have managed to get one unit completed

  8. You are certainly getting some fine painting in there Matt and your Herculaneum photos are a joy to view.

  9. Great looking brushwork on all of your projects, Matt. Love the Ancient scenes too.

  10. Some excellent painting Matt, particularly like the Ashigaru

    1. Thanks Neil, I have plenty more Japanese to paint when I get around to it

  11. I have a stash of various unpainted Afrika Korps in 15mm if you are interested I can get a list

    1. Oh and great pics from the travelling - it’s on the list

    2. Thanks Dave Pompeii and Herculaneum are highly recommended from me, we’ll catch up some time on the Afrika Korps

  12. Some brilliant figures Matt. I've always wanted to visit Herculaneum, it looks magnificent.

    1. Thanks Ray H is certainly worth a visit if you can find your way to Campania sometime although other sites interesting as well 👍

  13. Busy man Matt, still looking for my mojo.

  14. That's one heck of a week! My favorite are the samurai!
