Friday, 26 June 2015

Pre-war vehicles

Last weekend saw a trip down south for a family wedding, stumbled across a boot fair in the morning and picked up a couple of vehicles for 'pre-war' games. They were only a couple of quid so a reasonable bargin. Scale is really tricky these are actually slightly large and are quoted on the internet at 1:43 scale ! But I'm not convinced they are that big......

So a couple of evenings later and a bit of trial and error on the painting and I have a couple of transport vehicles for VBCW or some background vehicles or terrain for operation Sealion. I have seen plenty of pictures of 1938/1939 with these types of vehicles in them. I have left them unmarked deliberately so they can be flexible. 

I have ordered a couple more off eBay which I think I will paint up in a more military style.


  1. They look just the ticket. They seem to be lost though, that looks very much like a corner of 18th century Canada!

    1. No I am sure that picket fence is somewhere in the Home Counties

  2. You've done a grand job on them! Scale looks perfect to me.

    1. Thanks as always I think I will try and forget the scales in future and go with what looks right.
