Monday, 19 December 2016

NOT the Analogue Painting Challenge

That's right I'm not in the challenge.....I just don't need to put myself under that sort of pressure. I know a few people who are so will watch with interest. However, I have been prepping Persians ! I have had two boxes of the Wargames Factory plastic Persians for ages and wanted something different to work on. After spending many hours working out what combination of options I could make I got to sticking, this was a bigger job than I had expected but these guys are now off to be sprayed in the garage. I am really looking forward to painting them and have been checking and sourcing colour schemes.
Clearly you have to be slightly mad to start a persian army...but if you don't start you won't finish. The first couple of units are likely to play as mercenaries for one or other Greek city states. There are actually 4 units above which will hopefully become clearer when they have some paint.


  1. That's an impressive bunch, I have a feeling that you will end up painting more than I do in the challenge!

    1. They will look better painted 😬 This might be a long term project. As for the challenge 😉

  2. Persians are very fancy and psychedelic. Good luck. I have a few done and some in the queue but not enough for an army yet, although give them some greeks and a mighty force can be arrayed

    1. I plan for colourful but probably campaign dirty and faded ?

  3. Very impressive, can't wait to see them finished!

  4. There is certainly something impressive about rank after rank of spears! Look forward to seeing them painted up!

    1. I have been hunting out persian armies on the www and it is quite a challenge so I am starting small !

  5. The horde do look very good I can imagine them finished and I would be quaking in my boots if I was across the able form them.

    As for the Challenge. I would suggest you do enter it next year but with a low target. Say 200-500 points and then just play it by ear and see how it goes.
    Any Pressure you bring is your own. But everything you paint is appreciated by many more than a normal blog post so can be good for the ego... I know it helps mine some days.

    1. Cheers........I'll watch the challenge as it develops and consider for next year 🤓

  6. I had a crack at the challenge a few years ago, but burned out after the first month. Certainly not an event for me, who struggles under the least amount of deadline pressure.

    I played Persians the other week and they're certainly an interesting army to use. Possibly I'd collect them in 6mm, but 28mm would be a task too much for myself.

    1. I think I might be bonkers to start 28 mm persians.....we'll see how I get on 😀
