Sunday, 15 October 2017

Get off the fence !

No not a complex political statement. After our recent Barbarossa game I felt we needed some more fences to represent Eastern Europe, hedges are fine for Kent and to some extent Cumbria but not Latvia or the Baltic where plentiful timber encouraged proper fencing. Ever mindful of my on going ACW project I went quite generic in making these and I am sure they will turn up in lots of games.
Now I don’t normally do WIP type stuff but I know some like these, if you do read on 😀
The kit assembled, the sticks are from one of those cheap Japanese effect place mats it was free, the matchsticks are from the hobby store and also very cheap, for the bases I use a piece of architectural timber from our local DIY store. This gives some weight and is nice and rigid.
First job drill roughly some small holes using my hand drill for the matches, I find they don’t need to be exact then glue them in I spaced them at 5 sets across a fence section which is about 8 inches long, the reason for this was the sticks were this long and so one less job cutting them down 🙂
Then stick the cross pieces, if you have drilled the holes carefully this is easy as the uprights hold them fairly well
If like me you are a bit sloppy you need lots of pegs to hold them while they dry....I use ordinary bostick type glue but then put some ‘super glue’ to finish them off.
Then sand the bases
I sprayed the whole lot brown again coz I had an old tin and I am lazy, then some cheap artist acrylic on the bases to differentiate them colour wise and some lighter brown/drab dry brushing, finishing off with a lighter dry of this done very carefully
Finish off with some static grass and a few clumps for variation. All a couple of evenings effort and about £5 or so.


  1. Wow! Those are nice! One (at least me) never has enough fencing.

  2. Creative and beautiful job Matt!

  3. Lovely rapid job, they look just the thing.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks......hopefully on a battlefield soon

  4. Just think of that rebel firing line 🙂

  5. Marvelous terrain work, Matt! Inspirational as I need to build some terrain too!

  6. According to the Urban dictionary, the phrase 'the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence', refers to the way we tend to look at other people’s lives and things that we don't have in general, through rose coloured glasses.Artificial Grass NSW
