Thursday, 17 May 2018

Confederate Draft and my painting philosophy

I have found that part of the answer to getting stuff finished is about making it a ‘habit’.So I have got into the habit of trying to do a little bit of hobby every day. Sometimes it is only 20 mins others a couple of hours. The other key for me is only doing what you want to do at the time, this means I have loads of partly finished stuff but I know I WILL get round to it sometime when the feeling takes me. Enough philosophy.........
Another unit of rebels to join the cause, again fairly generic with a very motly feel these guys have obviously seen a lot of campaigning. Next two units with be more formally ‘grey’ πŸ™‚


  1. I very much agree, do bit often and make sure you want to paint the thing in front of you. Of course we are short of ACW as well, must have 40 regiments now

  2. My painting philosophy as well. That is, the path to churning out large armies is doing a little, often.

    1. Well it certainly works for you Jonathan and you manage quality as well.

  3. That’s the way to do it.

    Nice looking addition to the Reb ranks, Matt.

  4. I think a secret (for me anyway) is to always have something at least primed, then I will work on it, but if I complete a batch and the next batch is not ready to go, that gap after ending one batch and starting the next just gets longer and days can so easily become weeks.

    1. Yep always have something else ready to go....πŸ™‚

  5. Nice looking rebels,I totally agree doing a little and often is the way to go!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain......keeping painting πŸ˜€

  6. I developed a miniature based ‘habit’ over the course of many years which supplanted more than one bad habit. Now, with an 8 year old son, I have one day at the weekend to paint and each night during the summer months I’m trying to fit in 20 minutes to clean up models. A little self-discipline goes a long way.

    That, and the fact that my eye sight is going to s*#@, so I’m less rigorous.

    1. I hope mine is a habit not an addiction πŸ€”

  7. I could not agree more Matt, you almost have to force yourself or real life gets in the way and you end up being more worried about the percentage left on the sky planner... :-)

    1. I try really hard not to worry about stuff πŸ™‚

  8. I’m a little more strict about my painting in that I pick two projects to do at a time and one of them must be done before doing something else. Though no matter how you go about it, I think the most useful thing is to have permanent space to do painting and such: so that you’re able to just sit down and pick up where you left off right away.

    For the ACW: I’ve found that I’m able to really churn through union troops because they’re so uniform and confederates take longer because of the more varied uniforms. πŸ˜€

    1. I just can’t be strict with myself πŸ˜€

  9. Interesting insight there. I tend towards working solidly at a project to completion, though I do also just add a unit here and there to existing forces. I’m not one for having bits of stuff all over the place.

    1. It reflects my approach to many things in life πŸ˜€
