Thursday, 7 February 2019

Zulu Dawn.......

For our first game of the year we chose to commemorate the 140th anniversary of the battles of Rorke’s Drift and Isandlwana with a small skirmish game. Using In Her Majesty’s Name as the ruleset we had a small group of British infantry ambushed in camp with their objective of escaping the Zulu attack.
The set up for the game, British camp in the bottom, Zulus come on randomly from the corners with some arriving in ambush, the British objectives is to get across the river and away to the north. We have special rules for crossing the river which is no doubt infested with crocodiles.
The ambush is sprung.....
At the first sign of trouble the British contigent set off from the camp
But more Zulu warriors swarm in from all directions
Lord Cavendish has made it to the river but is pondering whether to risk wadding across 
Back in the camp hand to hand fighting has broken out and one of the Privates has been brutally killed
The British force includes a number of native contingent who valiantly attempt to hold the line but also fall to assegai thrusts
Several British are quickly surrounded
Cavendish trusts to luck and starts to wade the river as does one of the native contingent ! Worryingly there are Zulu on the far bank already
Another native is caught and killed
The inevitable happens and Cavendish is attacked by a crocodile, he is able to fend it off for one turn but is unable to escape
The native is less fortunate and meets a nasty fate
Another one goes down
Sergeant Bourne leaps into the river and bludgeons the croc with the butt of his shotgun and Cavendish is able to escape the river
At the Ford more troops are trying to cross the river but again a crocodile attacks
Some in the camp are still trying to escape 
But the surgeon is too late to get away and is surrounded
More fighting at the Ford
Now across the river Cavendish is assaulted, but he is able to escape
Sergeant Bourne is also attacked but is too strong and is able to get away.......
As the majority of the British get away the Zulu Warlord waves his weapon in anger and frustration

A fun game to start off the year 😀


  1. Splendid tale of derring do there Matt. Coincidentally I have to face the wrath of the Zulu next Monday, in frightfully larger numbers I fear.

    1. Even now the Impi are sharpening their assegia...

    2. Thanks Phil.......trick them into the river if you can 🙂

  2. Chief Bykelezi looking very svelte in that last picture! Fine account full of Imperial Brown Trouser moments too!

    1. Thanks David, the Brits were surprisingly resilient in this battle

  3. Absolutely bloomin' marvellous!

  4. Great looking game Matt, I am pinching that scenario :-)

    1. Thanks Stu, very simple we created the randomness for the Zulu entry points with a simple random D6, allowing some to appear quite close to the British camp in turn one

  5. Fun game and the crocs models are an especially fun touch 😀

    1. Thanks Stew......a bit of fun, the croc has grown large and fat due to his age as he is one I had as a child !

  6. great game, love these rules

    1. Thanks......rules are good for those small skirmish games

  7. Thanks Eric Zulu’s at a slightly smaller scale than your fine efforts

  8. Great looking Zulus and brits!
    Best Iain

  9. Great stuff Matt!
    I hope Lord Cavendish bought himself a Lotto ticket after this action...😉
