As mentioned on previous post we attended the Pendraken 30th Birthday Celebration last weekend and put on a demonstration battle.
Saturday, 23 July 2022
The Battle of Teplitz 1762 : Seven Years War
Wednesday, 20 July 2022
Jam and peanut butter : Painting update
Just an update on some painting progress, if you’re not sure about the title check out Stew’s Terrible Loss blog listed at the side 😀
Last time I shared the 15mm late war Germans I mentioned I needed some 88’s to round things out, as if by magic Martin (many thanks) had some unwanted from a previous, no longer active, project. I’ve completed these and some more bits
So that’s it for now a show and tell of what I have been upto, almost completed another french infantry unit 👍and ordered some Norwegian stuff
Thanks for popping by
Sunday, 17 July 2022
Norway 1940 : The Road to Dombas
A second battle from last weekend. A useful set of scenarios again from Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy No 100. My collection isn’t quite big enough to play the full scenario and campaign as listed so I have adapted for the figures I have and to make sure it is a balanced combat. The first scenario is based around the German defence of Hagevolden.
The background for the mini campaign is well covered in the article so I won’t list all the details here. In essence the German troops have been dropped into the heartland of Norway to capture the railway junction at Dombas but with limited supplies and reinforcements the small force has been cut off. The Fallschirmjager have dug in around Hagevolden, the Norwegian forces are on the attack and must force a way through.
We had ten units a side with fairly small units. The Germans have managed to recover 75mm gun from their supplies, the Norwegians have an early lend-lease French tank. (There we’re some French tanks later in the campaign but probably not at this early stage)
Wednesday, 13 July 2022
Marcher Lord : Battle at Ogmore
Taking inspiration from a recent edition of Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy our game at the weekend was a Dark Age skirmish. The background set out in the article has the local Norman Lord setting out with a force to collect tax from the population. The welsh tribes are not happy and set an ambush.