Tuesday 4 July 2023

French Napoleonic Commanders, Wales and more

I seem to be moving from one holiday to another at the moment so not much gaming but I have managed to paint/complete a couple of figures, both French Command figures for the Peninsular.

Both are Perry French Infantry Colonels
Slightly different sized bases, after Partizan I do have quite a few command bases to put together.

We spent last week on a family holiday on Anglesey in north wales. The weather was reasonably kind and we spent our time on the beach, in the Sea or visiting stuff and eating.
South Stack lighthouse
Llanddwyn Bay
The remains of the Royal Court of the Welsh Princes 13th Century 
Penmon lighthouse and Puffin Island, great for a picnic
Beaumaris Castle a masterpiece of Edward I

In the next few days I am heading to London and hoping to get to the Persian exhibition at the British museum. Then I am taking the campervan over to Europe with my son on a boys only military history tour. We are heading to visit the Market Garden Battlefields, then forts along the Meuse and back hopefully via Ligny and Waterloo. So no gaming for a bit but plenty of fun 👍



  1. Lovely work on those commanders Matt. I've only been to Anglesey once many years ago for a friends wedding, but Beaumaris castle was a cracker to visit and the little I saw of the island looked lovely. Happy travels in Europe and look forward to all the pics when you get back:).

    1. Thanks Steve, Anglesey was indeed very picturesque and Beaumaris spectacular. Hopefully something to share when we get back 🙂

  2. Great work on those Commanders. Looks like you've had a great holiday

  3. Fine looking commanders there Matt. You are certainly cramming the travels in there that even include hobby related visits too, what's not to like. Great outdoors photos too.

  4. Great work on the French command Matt. I enjoyed my one visit to Anglesey and always remember it as being the Earl of Uxbridge's home, one of the first command figures (Hinchliffe) I ever painted. I remember seeing his artificial leg and can still picture it in my minds eye, but can't now recall whether it was there or somewhere else as there were several versions.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, I think I have seen the leg in the small museum near Waterloo ?

  5. I'm jealous of your upcoming Boys Military tour. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew….the benefit of more time and an interested son

  6. You are living the Good Life, Matt! Like Stew, I am envious of your Boys' Military Tour too. Keep us posted with Reports from On the Road.

    1. Thanks Jon hopefully some interesting sites and battlefields. Not sure I can promise daily updates though , we’ll see ?

  7. Great looking figures and scenes, Matt! The first mounted guy reminds me a lot of Ney. Love the oceans views too.

    1. Thanks Dean….I did give the officer red hair although I think Ney needs a fancier uniform 🤔

  8. great stuff, love the commanders. have fun on the tour

  9. Fine additions to the Frogs there Matt! I always enjoy your landscape pictures, even Wales! Enjoy your trip!

    1. Thanks David…..I do need to remind you I have 25% Welsh blood 😀

  10. Oh Matt, you poor bstrd, I feel so sorry for you...no time to paint or play with toy soldiers, because you have too many holidays to take....I will back using Stews "flocking" entendres in a minute! 😝

    1. I’m feeling your empathy Keith, it’s a hard life but somebody has to do it ! Hopefully I can get some painting done too 👍

  11. Busy man Matt, drop me a line when you are clear.

  12. Sounds a great trip you have planned . Lots to see !

  13. Snap! Lovely mounted commanders! I was in Wales at the weekend, moving my daughter between flats in Aberystwyth, all a bit damp but lovely scenery, have fun on the road!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain a couple more commanders on the way 👍

  14. Lovely new toys Matt…
    Oh! No… overwhelmed with holidays… I feel your pain 😂
    The road trip sounds splendid… do I really need to say…please take lots of pictures 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly ….yes the excessive holidays are getting tough

  15. Lovely pictures Matt, with miniatures or not!
