Saturday, 8 February 2025

Back of Beyond ?

Slowly catching up on games we have played. This from a couple of weeks ago when George visited the dungeon. I rolled out a small Back of Beyond battle. Both sides seeking to capture three objectives. George posted a run down of the battle a while ago so I’m just really sharing some photos. Both sides Russians and British have employed tribal mercenaries who need to roll to activate each turn and if they fail run the risk of changing sides on a D6 roll.

The setup, Russian ps advance from the right, they have already captured one objective in the scenario but are slightly outnumbered by the British
Russian Tachanka 
British come on in the centre heading for the station building
Russians move over the hill in the distance
The British move in force towards the third objective
More Russians arrive in the centre
Bengal Lancers gallop down the road and wipe out the Tachanka, well I guess they kill the driver or horses, whatever it takes no more part in the battle !
The Russian milita have been driven off and the British consolidate around the train truck, only for the Afghan mercenaries to fail an activation swop sides and shoot their British masters in the back. Not surprisingly the British quickly turn on them to finish them off !
The lancers charge in again !
The other objective is left while the Russian make a beeline for the cross roads
Russians make a dash for the train 
Fierce hand to hand fighting with both sides taking a lot of casualties, eventually the British win through though, not helped by a couple of failed activations by the Russians on the hill.
The other truck is now contested. The turns ran out at this stage with the British in charge of two with the final objective contested. So a British win this time.

A fun game and nice to give this little collection a run out…..

And finally some painted wargame figures, with and up coming Napoleonic battle agains the Russians and needing some more light cavalry I dug into the plastic mountain and found I had a small (seven figure) unit of Chasseurs a cheval so these got painted up in anticipation.
Four are warlord plastics with three Perry metals as the command figures. I have swopped the annoyingly thin warlord sabres out for some spares from other figures. The standard isn’t the correct one but you can’t really read it anyway 🤔

Well that’s it for now, several more battles under my belt this year so I need to post the others soon. Unfortunately some are quite big, including the Battle of Corunna played out yesterday !

Thanks as always for checking by

Matt ♥️


  1. Great looking BoB battle Matt, lovely table and figures, really very nice. A cracking little unit of Chasseurs, very nicely painted.

  2. A fine game, table and toys. Nice chasseurs, I really must get mine assembled to prime and paint.

    1. Thanks Phil we all have more figures we need to assemble and paint !

  3. Always a pleasure to see your stunning layout, Matt! I did not see mentioned which of you commanded the British? Really looking forward to seeing how Corunna panned out. This is a battle I have fought a few times.

    1. Thanks Jon….i was of course the Russians 🙁

  4. Excellent looking game love a tchnacka and Bengal lancers what fun!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain plenty of fun to be had in the BoB !

  5. Grand game and great table! Looking forward to seeing more soon!

    1. Thanks David….im still catching up so more games to share when I get a chance

  6. That's a great looking game Matt

  7. Nice looking battle. Cav are very cool, you will need them on Tuesday

    1. Cheers Martin……I will never have enough french cavalry !

  8. Great to see a BoB game again, Matt, your table looks fantastic, as always!
    The chasseurs are excellent too...I have a box or two sitting waiting patiently to be assembled and painted......

    1. Thanks Keith… only criticism with the warlord Chasseurs which I have voiced before is the strength of their sabres which seem to just break off, hence me swopping them out before painting

  9. A lovely-looking game Matt, and beautifully done on the Chasseurs. I'm looking forward to your AAR on Corunna. It is a battle I have often thought about playing so I'll look forward to seeing how you do it.

    1. Thanks Lawrence….Corunna is in the bag as you might say but will take me. While to catch up on blogging

  10. Tachanka! Armored cars, cavalry. Excellent looking game! The Chassuers are very nice and I like your plan to use them soon. Glad to see the activity level so high.

  11. A great looking Back of Beyond game Matt…
    And a lovely little French Chasseur unit… Hopefully it won’t get stamped on by a big Russian Cuirassier unit 🙀…

    All the best Aly

    1. Many thanks Aly……the stamping think is a real fear 🙁

  12. Ah, the allure of the RCW and the BoB type games, with all those exotic units and equipment to keep us all happy:)! As always fantastic to see these on the table again.

    1. Thanks Steve. It is certainly a fun period for gaming allowing some imagination stuff and easy to develop scenarios
