Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Yeomanry Cavalry : VBCW Work in progress

I don't normally show WIP projects but the conversion of the Yeomanry cavalry has been a bit of a challenge. They are Black Tree boers and although all I am really doing is head swops and some extra kit bags etc as metal figures it has been a pain to cut, file and replace. The reason for the post is I am close to being able to start painting 😀
Only one has kept his slouch type hat, the rest are converted to caps etc.... They will get their bases this evening before I hopefully crack on with painting. I do have a lot tot do (in my head to complete at the moment) I am confident they will look much better when painted up in appropriate tweeds etc.


  1. Nice conversions Matt, lovely job.

  2. Looking good. Cavalry will be very useful in the wilds of the NW

  3. Looking good. I like the greenstuff caps

    1. Thanks Roy hats pretty rudimentary really makes me realise I am not a sculptor !

  4. Looking pretty darn good to me already. Look forward to seeing them painted up!

  5. They're shaping up nicely, and I look forward to seeing them painted.
