Thursday 7 June 2018

Holiday Projects and Painted stuff

As usual the lack of recent postings here at the Dungeon reflect some holiday time away. A lovely week with the family in Scarborough, as always I sought out those little historical elements whilst eating lots of ice cream.
A World War 1 13lb ship gun rescued from ship sunk off shore and now at the harbour
The final medieval town cross quite close to where we were staying
Scarborough Castle
The final remaining piece of the C14 Town wall
Pickering Castle on a very hot day in Yorkshire, I think I had two ice creams this day

My kids are somewhat older now so holidays have a bit less pressure so I always take some stuff to paint, despite being out and about, most of the time I managed to paint quite a bit πŸ™‚ I also did a couple of 15 mm tanks for a different project.

The bulk of an Arthurian Saga Warband, the nice thing here is I picked up these figures second hand at York show a couple of years ago from a collection being sold off following the owner passing away. Nice in a strange way that they have finally found their way to getting painted.
Another Confederate unit, some North Carolina boys
Some African warriors, mainly generic, but a couple at the back from specific colonial period.
Finally in Scarbourgh you can dress up and have your photo taken in period costume....too good a chance for me and the lad as military history buffs to dress up πŸ˜€


  1. Always enjoy your travel photos. Painting while on holiday? Never heard of such an activity!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, my family are used to me taking figures to paint. This allows me To sit and relax doing something when we have some holiday downtime πŸ™‚

  2. Great photos. You son looks very dashing. The Africans are aweslme

    1. Cheers secretly we all love dressing up 🀩

  3. Great photos, better weather than we have ever had in Scarborough too. Splendid painting too.

    1. We were very lucky with only a couple of days of foggy mist the rest was wall to wall sunshine

  4. I would regret it (from my wife!) if I had to take paint and brushes on holiday trip ;))))
    Great photos sir!

    1. Haha..... perhaps in a few yearsπŸ™‚

  5. I love that you record the temperature by ice cream consumption - a man after my own heart. Lovely shots.

  6. A lovely part of the world. I was up that way during the 80's at the wargames holiday centre. Nicely done figures too.

  7. Nice pictures!
    I’ve been able to do painting while away with the family as well, but I was never so productive as you are. πŸ˜€

  8. Love the Arthurian warband, the rebs and africans are great too! Nice area lots of castles!
    Best Iain
