Sunday 24 June 2018

Phalanx and Phoenix : two shows in seven days

The benefit of having a show close to home was I got back in time for tea last night even after helping Colonel Bill pack up his display. As previously posted I was putting on a small What a Tanker participation game. In previous years I have done LOTR and a Bolt Action Sealion Game. No question about it I was busier than ever yesterday and apart form taking short breaks to chat with fellow bloggers Norm and Phil I played games from the doors opening to the 4 o’clock close down. I really did lose count but think I played through about ten games ! Most of these being single but also a very enjoyable three tank battle at the end introducing the Dumfries gamers to the rules.
Here is the table at the start of the day. Feedback was extremely positive and there were only a few brief periods where things quietened down, I didn’t get to really see much else of what was going on, and at this third running of the show I am not sure how the trading community did ? Talking to Chris the organiser the numbers though the door were up but I know if people don’t buy then traders won’t come and venue costs can’t be covered. I am very grateful to everybody who came to say hello and have a chat several who have seen or follow this dungeon blog. Assumingly in a strange twist of fate Richard from ToofatLardies dropped into the show on his way apparently to a holiday in Cumbria (and why not) I missed the photo opportunity but he was very appreciative of the game.

I felt obliged to purchase a few bits, a couple of packs from Col Bills who happened to be right next to me. Norm was very kind to buy me the wounded ACW figures as a gift, for which I am very grateful indeed. A couple of other little bits from the bring and buy, an Arab commander which Steve found for me 😀 and a handful of Arthurian shield designs.
All in all then a very fun day, close to come. I will most likely be running the game again later in the year at Battleground.

Now with all this business I hadn’t really posted from my trip last week in the rain to Phalanx Show in St Helens here are just a couple of the games that caught my eye. A week has gone by and I can’t remember much about them.......🤪

 I am not sure why we like to share and see what everybody is buying, of course it goes a small way to assuaging our guilty about buying stuff. Anyway on the basis that this will help you 🙂 I did by some stuff at Phalanx, despite it being possibly the worst organised Bring and Buy ever, such a shame as I think more stuff would sell if better organised?
You can never have too much terrain and these all cam from the bring and buy in total for about £20 all ready to go straight to the table which is nice.
I really wanted more Norman’s and I got some slightly reduced 😀
Ok and something I shouldn’t have bought but it was Father’s Day. Some gripping beast Russian medieval cavalry 12 for £10, if I keep them as they are they might play as mercernaries, or I might convert with head swops to have them as elite heavy arab cavalry. Least likely option is to start a whole new Eastern European army and buy some of those really nice fireforge figures, and then I could buy ................I think converting them to Arabs might be best.

Plenty of hobby fun to be had 😀


  1. Yesterday sounded great. Sorry I missed it

    1. Busy day, will send you some dates soon 😀

  2. Enjoyed the show and our chat. The thing I liked about your game was that it gave the impression of having a lot of tactical space, while being the size or there-abouts that many gamers could set up in a dining area at home. Phil from the Society of Ancients did a similar thing two years ago at Phalanx and Alumwell with 15mm medieval forces.

    1. Thanks Norm when thinking about the game I couldn’t decide whether to go with 15 mm or step up to 28 mm but it seemed to work ok🙂

  3. Great looking table, Matt. I did like my recent experience with What a Tanker! The mass of Zulu's look amazing too.

    1. Thanks Dean, the guy with the Zulus can apparently also put on a similar number of war of the roses figures in the same scale ! Possibly next year

  4. Replies
    1. No flies on me 😀 the show worked really well and it if wasn’t for the travelling I might try and do a few more around the country ?

  5. You certainly had two good days out there. But those yellow lights, just awful for photography.

    1. Yep phalanx has a very traditional sports hall feel to it !

  6. I was disappointed not to make it to Cumbria this weekend - sounds like a good day. I hope the traders did OK as it is always a difficult balance between numbers of traders and expected numbers through the door

    1. Very hard to tell from my position I know I overheard at least one trader saying they wouldn’t be back next year so we will see ! Somehow we need to find a way of separating shows from traders.

  7. Sounds like a great day,so we can expect a new eastern medieval army,well you're virtually finished on ACW aren't you?! Of course you'll need opponents..!
    Best Iain

    1. Don’t encourage me 😀😀😀

  8. Sounds like a great pair of shows.

    1. Nice to meet so many interested and like minded gamers

  9. Good job running games at the show. I would bet that running what a tanker would keep you busy. Pretty cool to run into Rich.
    I have the Conquest sets and they’re pretty good. I remember that I struggled at first to get the arms on right.
    You and Norm make me happy that I have my own shows coming up. 😀

    1. Shows are great having that opportunity to share with other the hobby is great, I do wish our shows were more like those in the states, but I dnot things are going to change anything soon.

  10. Awesome looking battlefields!
