Tuesday 31 December 2019

Getting upto date before the New Year

A final post on New Years Eve to try and bring things up to date for 2020.
Another Austrian infantry unit managed to get finished over the Christmas holiday only a couple more then I will need to order some more !

Some time ago we played a couple of fun LOTR games using Lion Rampant rules, but I hadn’t managed to share them, so here they are
In the first scenario the orc force is looking to burn a Rohirrim village and they have brought a troll with them to help
Stout Rohirrim men hold the line but look behind them for reinforcements 
The orc force moves to the right to surround the farm and to spread their attack
A lonely place to be...hold the line
the Rohirrim Cavalry arrive just in time
But there are a real lot of Orcs
The troll charges ahead
straight through the archers and onto the road
another unit assaults the farm directly pushing the defenders back from the fence
The troll has been wounded and some elite guards charge in for the kill
Wounded further the troll looks for easier kills down the road whilst the farm is overrun
The first barn goes up in flames !
and then a second one at which point the battle ended. This is normally a very hard scenario for the attacker so it was a clear win for the bad guys.

Our second scenario has the lands of Rohan now overrun by Orcs and a force of riders are seeking to escape carrying their belongings with them.
Starting from one corner they must get right across the table which again is a very tough objective
They are immediately ambushed by warg riders
So Eomer rides out to defend the party
With the wargs driven off the riders can advance but the party is getting spread out
And Eomer is still mopping up some of the ambushes
Through the trees the riders must cross the dry river bed
The Orcs have regrouped and are intent on blocking the path to escape beyond the farm
Once more the Rohirrim charge into clear the way supported by archers
Eventually the path is cleared as the final Orcs are driven off or killed

We have played this scenario several times in different periods but rarely do the side escape, not sure how they did it but it made up for the burning farmstead from the previous battle.

That’s it for 2020 and I think I am upto date, happy gaming, painting collecting for 2020 ๐Ÿ˜€


  1. Love the look of your 10mm SYW Austrians!

    Happy New Year, Matt!

    1. Small but perfectly formed only one more unit in the queue then need to reorder the next phase of the project

  2. happy new year, restart the 7YW painting in a couple of weeks

    1. Tortoise and the hare but not sure which I am ๐Ÿ‘

  3. A fine post to round out the year, look forward to more in 2020.

    Happy New Year!

  4. Replies
    1. Nearly ordered some of the guard but they went out of stock dam !

  5. A fabulous end to the year and all the best for 2020.

    1. Thanks Michael good luck on your 2020 projects ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. Well up to snuff! Keep at it!

  7. I also like using LR to play out some lotr. Nicely done. ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. We have used several sets but LR is by far the simplest but elegant rule set ๐Ÿ‘
