Thursday 17 March 2022

Panzer Grenadiers test unit

Quite this week as we have been away on a long weekend to Scotland a couple of shots at the bottom in beautiful Argyll. With that and one or two other issues I don’t seem to have made much progress, mainly I have been basing a big batch of 15mm German infantry. This required sorting, cleaning, sticking, base material applied, undercoating ….the list goes on.

I have though pushed a heavy machine gun Platoon through painting to see what sort of camo pattern I can cope with at this scale. 

A bit fiddly to stick these guys carrying their guns, I have gone for a fairly light coloured camo mainly so they stand out against the US forces. I have a lot more prepared with bases painted but I just need to knuckle down and do the figures. I also picked up a few extra large bases so will get the guns I have done sometime soon.
On to Scotland, it’s March so we were dodging showers but overall wasn’t too bad this is a little place called Crinan
Even the sun appeared occasionally
Morning walks with views
Part of the trip was to test my wife’s tolerance for life in a campervan, she was still smiling at the end so it looks like the first part of my retirement plan is sorted. I just need to work out what size gaming table I can squeeze in (no honestly) 👍

That’s it for now all being well we are playing the Battle of Hochkirk this weekend, Prussians up against it again ðŸ˜Ē


  1. Great work on the Germans Matt and the camouflage scheme works nicely on them. From the bases they look like Battlefront Miniatures. Scotland looks suitably chilly for this time of year. I have only been there twice and probably need another trip there once we can travel again.

    1. You definitely do country in the world, not that I am biased of course!

    2. Thanks Lawrence the figures are a mix, mainly battlefront for these guys but I think a few Peter pig in the next units. I have slightly too many to be honest 🙁 I’m not entering the competitive patriotism stakes, but Scotland is one of the most beautiful country’s in the world 👍

  2. OK, so the germans were totally unexpected. Very nice. The campervan looks very cool. See you Saturday, I'll be the Austrians, again.

    1. You might have missed the panzer tank force then a couple of posts ago. Yes I have quite a large German force in development, mainly to fight my Americans who haven’t seen much combat recently

  3. The Panzer Grenadiers have come out very well Matt…
    Just the right amount of detail…

    Lovely views of Argyle…
    Have ever been to Kintyre… I used to do self catering holidays on the Saddle Estate quite regularly… your pretty much level with Glasgow… but also what feels like a million miles away…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly it is a very beautiful part of the world 👍

  4. Nice looking models and a fun looking trip!

    1. Many thanks Scotland highly recommended 👍

  5. A trip to Jockshire always raised my spirits, but not in a van! Good work on the Krauts too.

    1. Thanks David, the plan is to spend a lot more time north of the border when I retire 😀

    2. A sort of Missionary Journey then, bringing light to the heathens?

    3. 😎I need to be be careful how I answer that David, as an English man not only do I have a number of Scottish relatives but I also live in an area which has been invaded by our Tartan cousins several times ! Never mind those Reivers living just over the border. I don’t want to see the Beacon at Penrith being lit again !

  6. Good to see you get away for a little camping trip. Is a campervan now on your shopping list? Fab scenery and Germans. How large of a gaming table can fit into a campervan???

    1. Thanks Jon yes Campervan definitely on the shopping list, one of the key elements of my retirement. I do have some thoughts on gaming options for the van, more of that later 😀

  7. Nice work on the German units. Camping in a pop up, good idea. Great photos of the .local sights was fun as well.

    1. Thanks ,Joe a lot more Germans in the painting queue and hopefully more trips to Scotland

  8. Nice looking 15mmm Germans Matt and of course views of Gods own Land are always welcome. Crinan has a canal if I am not mistaken? As for wargaming whilst camping, have you considered one of those towable, pop up trailer could probably be converted to hold a three by six gaming table!

    1. Thanks Keith, lots more Germans on the way. I’m not religious myself but Scotland is indeed a very fine country and I have several connections my father living many years in Dumfries and now in Edinburgh. Yes Crinan has a fascinating canal the photo is actually of the first sea lock into the system. A trailer is an option but I have something else in mind……another silly project for me to ponder and waste lots of time thinking about 👍

  9. Models looking really great Matt!

  10. They look great and nice to see you guys out on your travels.

  11. Nice figures Matt. I used to sail around Argyll and the Isles keeping the Soviets away, beautiful trips. Ooops said too much.

    1. Thanks George more to come to bulk out the German force. As for the Soviets at least back then their leaders weren’t stupid enough, most of the time, to invade !

  12. Those machine gun teams look fantastic, Matt! I can't imagine how much of a headache those advancing teams must have been to put together...


    1. Thanks Jack, you are right a real pain the problem being the hands are sculpted to be above the gun so you have to hold them upside down !

  13. Great scenic photos!
    Camper vans are a good way to go, easy to park anywhere including caravan parks with amenities, glad it worked out for you!
    🚐 🚐 🚐

  14. Nice work on the Germans Matt. Doing camo at this scale and smaller is always tricky to get it to look right on the table. I found lighter colours and big patches of colour helped, as otherwise anything finer blended together when the three foot rule was applied.

    A camper van eh? My wife's idea of Hell!

    1. Thanks Steve yes I went slightly brighter light green than I would to give them a lift. The 3 foot test is a good one 👍
