Saturday 23 March 2024

Al Andalus : Battle for the Border

With George still building his wargaming palace/Fortress he came up to the dungeon for a game Friday morning. His only request was not WW2 and something colourful so time to roll out the Al Andalus Arabs. As I wanted something balanced it isn’t based on any historical incident. A simple border battle between two Arab Taifas fighting for control of their border.

The objectives for both sides are to cross the river, reduce the enemy numbers and if possible capture the enemy camp.
The cavalry on my left wing move forward to the river supported by archers who move onto the hill
The enemy right consists of Mercenary Christian cavalry and crossbowmen
My own crossbowmen also move forward and my right wing horse archers move to prevent any crossing of the river through the marshy ground
Not able to hold back my cavalry loose their javelins and charge the ‘lighter’ Christian cavalry, the enemy heavy cavalry is swamped by arrows which gets through thier heavy armour forcing them after a couple of turns to pull back.
My crossbows are also forced back by archer fire and with the right held infantry is pushed forward to contest the river
The heavy cavalry waver but hold the field supported by mounted crossbows.
The infantry struggle in the centre
The cavalry contest continues on the enemy right around their camp
Whilst more infantry is brought up to cross the river
…but eventually my lighter cavalry start to lose their impetus and are brought down, the enemy charge down the hill to hold the crossing knowing they must delay the advance and protect their camp
In the centre things are reaching a climax with four units engaged hand to hand, then the enemy manage to swing their cavalry around the flank through the marshy ground
Almost but not quite the Christian mercenaries having been pinned down for most of the battle manage one critical charge finishing off my cavalry before it can take the enemy camp
and hit in the flank my spearmen lose heart and flee the field. The battle is lost 🙁

A fun battle with both sides running very close, it wouldn’t have taken much for it to swing the other way, the enemy heavy cavalry played almost no part in the battle until that final critical charge. Really nice to get the Al Andalus collection out on the table but does make me want to get on with some Samurai 👍

Only one bit of painting to show for the week as I have finished off this Leman Russ tank for my Tallarn force, not really sure when it might get used but it has been sat unpainted for about 15 years in a box.
Final snap as I was putting away the Fallschirmjager from the other day I needed to put them into a new box due to the expanded numbers. I actually have about 6 more being stripped of paint so they should just fit in the box when they are done. I’m planning a CoC Sicily campaign at some point in the future when I can get round to planning the details ?

Thanks as always for checking in

Matt 😀


  1. A splendid and colourful game there Matt. I will look forward to reading of the Sicily campaign in due course.

    1. Thanks Phil I just need to put some time into the campaign instead of painting figures !

  2. I initially read Al as 'AI', thinking you might be trialing some new wargaming software. Great game Matt and some more lovely figures. You really have been completing a lot of figures recently.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, it is a colourful period and ideal for wargamers as it gives a good variety of troops and mixed open battles which I like 👍

    2. Lawrence, I read “Al” as “AI” too!

      Great to see this fine collection out on the table, Matt. While I really enjoy playing on a grid, your games look better “free style”. Good to see that you could provide George with a colorful period.

  3. An excellent and close game, should have paid those Christian’s more.

    1. Thanks George I wouldn’t be surprised to see them fighting on the other side next time !

  4. A fine, colourful and fun battle with a friend, pretty much Wargamer's Heaven I'd say. Nice new additions, even the space fairies!

    1. Thanks David you are right a very enjoyable game 👍

  5. George is clealy a wise man to request 'not WWII but something colourful' and has been wonderfully rewarded with a victory. It looks a great game as well as a close one. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Stephen it’s always nice to have the opportunity to get something different on the table, much as I love WW2. I have just enough Arab forces to face off against each other without the need for too many Christians which is nice 👍

  6. Cracking looking game, some lovely miniatures on show.

    1. Many thanks Donnie figures are a mix of Gripping beast, black tree, crusader and a few more 🤔

  7. Such a colourful looking game Matt and a great period to play too.

    1. Thanks Ray….i do love the ‘Dark ages’ in general but don’t think the Muslim invasion and occupation of the Iberian peninsula could really be called dark.

  8. Looked like a close and exciting game Matt - just a shame (for you!) it swung the way it did in the end!

    1. Thanks Keith …winning is always secondary to a close game in my view 👍

  9. A lovely colourful game Matt…

    All the best. Aly

  10. Splendid game yet again Matt and some nice new units too:).
