Tuesday 19 March 2024

The Great Edinburgh Basing challenge

Things have settled slightly in Edinburgh and I have been able to spend some time basing up the figures I had painted over the last few weeks. We also managed a planned weekend away in London more of that later. Onto the figures in no particular order ………at the recent York wargame show I picked up a bunch of Fallschirmjager these have nearly all now been painted.

First up a machine gun team
Support weapon teams with Panzerschrek
Two snipers and two flamethrower teams.
Radio operators
Riflemen and sub machine guns
A couple of British AWI infantry casualties
A random collection of ‘Ancient’ command figures
Tallarn command figure
A group of dismounted British dragoons for AWI
Dark age ‘war hound’ units
Yet another ‘Celtic’ warband
French Curassiers I have a second unit to do now
French artillery limbers, I have based these in two parts for flexibility
When space is tight on the battlefield they can be used as two horse limbers
I have also completed some British limbers
In the same mode where they can be split down if needed
So far three limbers for each side I do have some more for a later date.

We have just returned from a weekend trip to London, amongst other things we visited the British Museum where there is currently one of their ‘special’ exhibitions this one on life in the Roman Legions
Loads to see with a couple of highlights
The most complete Roman armour in the world ? recovered from the Teutoberg Forest we wonder what fate the owner suffered
Apparently the best/ most complete Scutum preserved due to its location in Syria
We also went to the V&A museum 
And one final treat we attended the third instalment of the LOTR live concert at the Albert Hall

Sorry for not posting so much recently, the ebb and flow of life, but we played a game today which I will post up in the next few days as well 

Thanks as always for checking by



  1. Your brushes and base work have kept you very busy. Hopefully, life allows a return to more wargaming endeavors. Looking forward to seeing what is next on your game table.

    1. Thanks Jon 👍 you won’t have long to wait 😀

  2. That’s a lovely mix of units and also good speed to buy in York and have things painted already …. Rather than cycle them through the lead mountain :-)

    1. Thanks Norm……my approach is fairly random as usual I just fancied getting the Fallschirmjager ready for battle 👍

  3. A busy time and some lovely figures and basing on show, the limbers in particular are cracking, like the idea of splitting them down when space is tight.

    1. Thanks Donnie…I have four horse limbers for my ACW but often find they are difficult to manoeuvre on the table, so these give me both options

  4. A nice variety there Matt. You must have transported your entire paint collection to Edinburgh to cover that lot. I have been doing a few of those Perry AWI casualty figures myself so they were instantly recognisable.

    1. Thanks Lawrence all my paints fit in a plastic box so not that hard to carry around

  5. Those paras look great. See you in a couple of weeks

  6. Fine looking figures and some bountiful basing mixed in with your family duties and trip down sarf.

    1. Thanks Phil plenty of new figures to get into battle 👍

  7. A very eclectic collection of figures there to keep things ticking over nicely. I'd like to see the legion exhibition, but loathe London so that's a no sadly.

    1. Some were very random and just picked off the shelf next to my painting table. London is fine if you don’t mind the busy ness. I’m used to it now so it is fine in short spells

  8. Some great looking figures Matt, I loved the dismounted AWI Brits.

  9. That's quite a mix of figures you've completed. Especially like the 'celtic warriors'

    1. Thanks Neil the celts were the last of the batch I bought about a year ago mixing various gripping beast figures to create about seven generic light units

  10. Splendid butterfly stuff Matt…
    That Roman armour was pretty special… It’s quite gob smacking that it has survived so long…

    All the best. Aly

  11. Great stuff Matt - but I particularly like the FSJ, given what I have been painting recently! Looks like a nice trip to London, too.

  12. Brilliant work all round there Matt:)!
