Friday, 9 February 2018

Albanich 2018 the preparation begins

We are putting on another game this year at Albanich 2018. A small and friendly show held in Dumfries on Saturday 10th March. Joining up with Steve we are putting on a Barbarossa game with plenty of iconic Russian and German forces on the battlefield. I have pretty much worked up the scenario and now have a list of things I need to finish off for the game. What that means is I have a bit of motivation to get some stuff done.

First up then.....the second part of my German transport.
Two Opel Blitz
As usual I have kept them simple for gaming and storage, they are Rubicon models easy to put together when I realised I wasn’t using enough glue ! And very easy to paint.


  1. A nice couple of kits there Matt!

  2. Nice trucks, I have heard stories of the Rubicon stuff being difficult to glue.

    1. Something about the plastic , it is slightly harder and doesn’t melt as much so I thought I had fixed them and th back fell apart !

  3. Top stuff. Not working that show - Jim and Stu have those duties - so if you two need a hand and I can be a help guarding the table while you take a break or go for lunch, let me know and I'll see about getting a lift on the van.

    1. Thanks for the offer Roy we have three of us playing on the day so no formal support needed but it is normally not a bad show😀

    2. You're welcome. I hope you all have a good day with the game - if I do come over, after hitching a ride, I'll pop over to say hello.

  4. It's, it's an Opel Blitz! Nice work on these and good timing on the rubicorn advice I've got a T34 of their's to build, tons of glue then!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain.....yes plenty of glue I had expected it to ‘melt’ but the plastic is harder than I expected. Oddly this didn’t effect the 251’s so it may just be my poor technique 😢
