Saturday, 3 February 2018

Mercenary Hoplites march to battle

Sat on my to do list was the completion of these three units of mercenary hoplites. One of my mates was looking to shift some stuff so we did a deal ages ago, he is now painting a Roman army and I have these 😀 it has taken a bit of time to do some tidying up of the bases and I have done some work to make the shields more colourful and give greater variety. They will play as mercenaries for any number of despot pic city states. They are a rea mix of Warlord, Victrix and a few Gorgon minatures I think but that adds to their variety.

Hopefully we will see them on the battlefield soon 😀


  1. You can never have too many hoplites. I have a fair few myself but they are older 25mm figures.

  2. Your friend is a lucky one to be on the receiving end of these beauties.

    1. Other way round I get these he got the Romans to paint !

  3. Replies
    1. I can take little credit although I have tidied them up a bit 🙂

  4. I am impressed, wonderful units and great details!

  5. Nice bit of tarting up Matt. Gotta love hoplites, nearly had a Greek army back in the day but the lure of a Rome was too great.

  6. I love the look of those massed ranks.

  7. Three useful units there, if you ignore the plastic bits of course...

  8. very cool, more figs to beat me up

  9. Lovely looking hopolites!
    Best Iain

  10. Very nice shields and great army!
