Monday 13 February 2023

Sicily 1943 : Bolt Action

Regular followers will know I have been developing my US force over the last couple of months, their training over they are ready to embark on the invasion of Sicily. I have also been working on terrain but not all that is finished so I will share that at a later date.

The Infantry force I have been building is now supported by a Stuart tank, a very kind gift from Phil at ‘News from the Front’ . It only seemed fair he should get the first run out with the Americans……what could possibly go wrong with a completely newly painted and untested force ?
Although initially planned for CoC the force can also adapt to Bolt Action which is a little easier to play remotely.
The Americans surge forward their objective to capture the crossroads to support the advance
The Germans are also charged with capturing the crossroads
The Germans with slightly more infantry attempt to push forward on the right around the Small church.
They also have early success with a direct mortar hit on the US heavy machine gun team.
But the Americans push forward towards their objective
Now at this point we should make it clear that every body who plays bolt action knows that Mortars are more often than not ineffective, rarely hitting anything. This may well be the battle that bucks that trend ! Almost immediately one of the mortars hits the German Stug, rolling a 6 to hit, a second six for number of hits and then another two sixes to damage. Causing superficial damage the crew fail to put out the ensuing fire and bale out 😢
The Germans ignore the burning tank and push forward to capture the Church
More infantry take cover in the fields close to the crossroads, but they are also then hit by a direct hit mortar round and effectively wiped out
The Americans are not getting it all their own way but have made it upto the road
After three shots from the German anti tank gun, the Stuart which was really riding its luck by staying in the road is knocked out and burning
The Americans have now pushed right upto the cross roads and in the distance another infantry unit is hit by yet another mortar round ! And wiped out
The Americans are now well in command and have numbers on the road
The final shot of the German infantry they have pushed right upto the road and cleared the Americans from that area, but the battle is up with a strong American win.
As we reflected on an enjoyable battle it was clear the American mortars had been decisive in the victory which is very rare for a bolt action game, just shows how unexpected things can happen 😀

It was great to get the Americans on the battlefield, as I mentioned I have been working on some more terrain so I will complete this and put up a separate post.

Thanks for checking in 😀


  1. A grand game thank you Matt, I am glad I could honour the Americans baptism of fire with a win. The M5 should have bugged out earlier it did really chance its luck with the gods of new toy syndrome. I think I have used all my dice luck up for the remainder of the year with those mortars.

    1. Thanks Phil….luckily the Americans are unloading more equipment on the beach 👍

  2. A great looking table and enjoyable AAR, Matt. I don't know the Bolt Action rules at all, but a mortar effectively taking out a Stug would be pretty rare in any rule set! It will be interesting to see if Pte Robinson ( maybe that should be Pvt,,,,) can keep his accuracy in subsequent time, he may be Corporal Robinson after today's performance?! 💪

    1. Thanks Keith a very rare take down, a six to hit then a six to cause damage then a third 6, followed by a failed leadership to put the fire out ! I can only assume the hatch was open and it was a direct hit causing a fire and the crew to abandon, in many previous games I can never remember it happening before !

  3. I recall a VBCW battle where your mortar wiped out most of my army. Cracking battle, would be good to get my Americans out

    1. Thanks Martin we can plan a battle later in the year ?

  4. A nice win for your US complement Matt, and very sporting of you to give Phil the first run with them. I never seem to have much luck with my first outings with new armies, probably because they are still annoyed at me for having spent so long in the lead pile, so perhaps the key is to give them to an opponent. Great result on the Stug.

    1. Thanks Lawrence as during remote games I am fielding both sides I don’t really mind which side I play, in fact I don’t normally mind anyway. But Phil very kindly donated the tank so it was only fair 👍

  5. What a lovely looking game Matt, as always:). I really do enjoy playing games set in Sicily, as you have such a mix of units, quality of troops and armour ranging from L3/35 tankettes and French tanks right up to Tigers I's.

    I don't know if you've seen this Blog before Matt, but well worth checking out for plenty of ideas and inspiration for Mediterranean terrain etc:

    1. Thanks Steve…..and wouldn’t you know I have a Tiger 1 😀 yes I might even start to collect some of those other troops 👍

  6. Nice game, Phil must have used up a lot of his luck.

  7. Seeing your newly painted Americans take to the field is terrific. Doubly terrific to see them grab victory in their first outing. Superb table and troops.

  8. Mulligan-Robinson in fine form. I hope folks are right on used up dice luck for Phil 😉

  9. Superb looking game and victory for the Americans

  10. It’s always a nice feeling to get a new army to the table. Also nice when it’s successful. Too bad someone else was playing them. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew , just nice to get them on the battlefield 👍

  11. Great to see a new project .

    1. Thanks Dave , yes nice to get the new force on the table, they have some reinforcements on the way 👍

  12. This looks fantastic! Great fun too. We’re really enjoying our Crete campaign here at the table. Will look forward to more of your adventures on Sicily.

    1. Thanks Matt…..have looked at Crete a couple of times and now I have some more terrain , you never know ?

  13. Great stuff, Matt, love seeing those dogfaces in action!


    1. Thanks Jack they boys did good this battle !
