Thursday 27 April 2023

A whole week without a post…….

Been a busy few days with family commitments, a couple of visits to Scotland and some really nice weather encouraging me to get out on my bikes. This has slowed hobby progress but progress is still being made.

To boost my Peninsular project I picked up a couple of French units off eBay, either part painted or needing rebasing I have been working on these as well as painting up a larger unit. Here are the first of the completed units.

They needed to be rebased and a couple of extra figures painted up to complete the unit.
The next unit is also close to completion, but I have two more to rebase which is proving a faff 😢

I know some of you like the views, others can skip down to the bottom, some nice weather recently and I have been up to Scotland doing some mountain biking
The Trossachs
Ben Lomond in the distance 
Lots of forest gravel
Sunset on the Island of Bute
A more challenging route across the mountains in Galloway
Beautiful day but you can’t  see the wind in the photo !
It feels quite remote although the whole route was only a little over 20 miles
The good weather has continued down in Cumbria 
This one for you Jon to show a different bike 👍
And yesterday we played the fifth game in our ongoing Smolensk campaign. The Germans on the back of a strong win last time are pushing forward
The Russians must defend again, we had a plan to dig in and avoid an open fire fight if possible
The setup went well deploying in the woods
George has already posted a fuller description of the battle, the Germans are forced to go on the attack so the Russians have at least learnt something
The Germans eventually bring their very superior firepower into play and some poor rolling at key points meant the Russian morale plummeted giving the Germans another win. At least this time it felt like we had a good battle and forced the Germans to really fight it out. What I wonder is the answer to the Panzergrenadiers ?

Another SYW battle scheduled for Saturday then back to Edinburgh and then to Sicily it’s tough being retired 🙂

Thanks for checking in, I hope to complete the next French unit in a couple of days 



  1. Tough being retired indeed, Matt! I am looking forward to it in a few years although not sure we will have the financial wherewithal to match your activities! Scotland is still looking pretty good, I see. I always remember Billy Conolly saying the Borders (and I would include Galloway in that) is what people THINK the Highlands is like - so it is very picturesque and not too full of people!

    1. Thanks Keith tough indeed. One of the benefits of living here means getting out on my bike really doesn’t cost anything, and part of the reason we got the van is it means the costs are really only fuel and a few sundries. Scotland is indeed beautiful 👍

  2. A fine addition to the French ranks there, you had a sound plan in the Smolensk campaign but losing those NCO's didn't do you any favours. Wonderful outdoor shots, that sunset is particularly splendid. Good to see you grasping retirement to the fullest, when I met retired work colleagues in town and they said "I don't know how I found time to work" I thought they were just being kind🙂

    1. Thanks Phil, the Smolensk plan seemed good at the start…but the Grenadiers pack a real punch and just overwhelmed the Russians, some bad rolling didn’t help 😢

  3. Gorgeous scenics, Matt! Great to see you out on your bikes(!) in the beautiful outdoors. You are a lucky fellow and retirement is treating you well. Your Smolensk campaign continues to provide interesting battles. I thought George conceived a well-execute plan to bring about your Russian's defeat. There is always next time. After two, long weeks indoors on the trainer, I finally made it out on the bike on Wednesday. Weather is turning for better here.

    Sicily next? You are living the life!

    1. Thanks Jon, the weather has been good here for a while 👍 the Germans certainly played a good battle, they do pack a real punch ! Living the life ? May not always feel like that but I will keep trying 🙂

  4. Fine new French infantry and another game to chalk off in retirement, but for me the landscape pictures carry the day.

  5. Excellent additions to the French ranks. Scotland is a superb place to visit, love the peace and quiet

    1. Thanks Neil…..peace , quiet and midges !

  6. Retirement is a word that keeps popping up in front of me with increasing regularity, and when I look at pictures like yours it looks increasingly appealing (albeit without the bicycles). Great work on revitalising those French Matt, and another nice Smolensk game.

    1. Thanks Lawrence……there are of course many factors for all of us about when we can stop working. Luckily for me things came together 👍 and I don’t regret it so far

  7. Bute looked lovely. It's a tough life. See you Saturday

  8. Nice troops Matt. Big choice for the next game reduce the pocket or strike at home base. Enjoy Sicily, and visit the fish market early in Catania.

    1. Thanks George….the Russians may need a secret weapon ?

  9. A good mix of gaming and travelling there Matt. Rather envious of you being able to get out on the bike so much, as down here March and April have been pretty cold, wet and windy by and large, so not very conducive to cycling:(.

    1. Thanks Steve, yes we have seen some strange weather recently with bad weather hitting the south west but then cutting east rather than coming north. Although I don’t take photos I do sometime get out when the weather isn’t so nice !

  10. Good looking refurbed French, I'm working on some more Perry plastic French line, very nice, and of course the scenery is delightful, have fun on your Sicily research trip, have you read James Holland Sicily 43? Something for the flight?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain the Warlord french have come out ok and match in with the rest of the force well. I have nearly completed the next unit in great coats. Yes I am just listening a second time to James Holland’s book very enjoyable 👍

  11. You probably deserved the week break from posting anyway.
    Good looking French and game. The outside pics are nice if you like that sort of thing. 😝

    1. Thanks Stew, I’m never sure if I deserve anything 😀

  12. Another nice looking unit Matt…
    And lovely views indeed… it’s easy to forget how close you can be to reality beautiful countryside when you live near or in the Borders…in fact I think most places in Britain are only a short trip from somewhere/something interesting….

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, I am very aware that I am surrounded by some of the best bits of landscape in the country 👍 but as you say there is always something interesting around the corner

  13. Some wonderful shots there Matt, nice to see the Russians on the table even if they were on the wrong end of the Germans again.

    1. Thanks Stu, the Russians took a pasting again, we lost the battle but not the war !
