Sunday 29 September 2024

French Grenadiers and more 🙂

Keeping busy this week on hobby related activities.

First up I have completed some more French grenadiers, these are Victrix figures, obviously in greatcoats. My plan is to have at least enough for one ‘Guard’ brigade.
I tried a quick paint method for these by spray painting them in blue then picking out the rest. It kind of worked but not sure it was much quicker in reality
Like many people ages ago I picked up a couple of free Warlord WW2 MTB’s Steve managed to get a cheap copy of the rules so we thought it would be nice to combine what we had and at least have a small test game sometime, so I set to constructing and painting them. Above the German fleet
Here are the British MTB’s at 1:300 scale the painting is very quick and simple, I’m going to add some colour identification to make them easier to spot on the table ?
I spent ‘most’ of Wednesday down at George’s to continue our Konigsberg campaign, the Germans haven’t been doing too well, and with out reserves they were starting this battle well behind. The table setup was against them as well with lots of open ground and an objective at the furthest point from their table edge. But I was determined to at least give it a go. We even planned for an another game incase the Germans assault just failed and it was game over in an hour ! The Germans have lots a whole section in the campaign so far so only start with two sections as support we squeezed to a dug in MG42 team and a Panther Tank. It was quite a long game so no blow by blow report…….just a couple of snaps I took of George’s lovely collection.
One German squad did manage to advance down the railway upto the buildings but eventually were cut down by machine gun fire 
The rest of the Germans dug in with fire support, the Germans had both junior commanders wounded early on as well.
But somehow they ground out a win, we were on only three morale for ages but managed to catch the Russian commander who had joined an infantry section they were pinned down and then forced to retreat taking the commander with them, this severely hampered the Russian command and when another junior leader was killed suddenly the Germans had the upper hand. A rare and welcome win in the campaign. For the next battle with the Panzergrenadiers almost wiped out the Germans will switch to a Heer section but from now on the Russian can’t automatically replace loses so it will be a more even fight.
Finally I ordered some more larger/deeper storage boxes for my Napoleonic infantry this allows me to store the units with their flags etc which is much easier. This gave the opportunity for a British/allied army parade. And here they are…..very happy with these so far. To add to this are a couple more British infantry regiments and a highland regiment. That will be enough redcoats I think. I also have the Spanish brigade to fill out, another heavy cavalry regiment and another unit of Hussars who will form the KGL. I probably need a couple more commands. This should bring the British upto four good brigades or five at a pinch with the Spanish brigade in support.

Right that’s it for this morning….I'm off to play Xeno rampant today in a mini campaign😂



  1. I will be glad to see the back of the grenadiers Matt. If only I had got the cat.

  2. Fine looking battalion of Guards Matt. You did well to inch a win over that ground too.

  3. Lots of great hobby stuff going on there Matt! An unexpected win for the Boxheads in your WWII campaign and the British Peninsula force looks outstanding 👏 👌 👍

  4. Matt, busy and productive! British collection is nice, and the expansion mentioned is certain to please. Bad luck on the table for the Germans.

  5. Very productive week Matt! The Napoleonic British are an impressive collection, with more to come too! But, a Space Fairies game...🙄 It takes all sorts in our wonderful hobby, so enjoy!

  6. Those Guards look very grand and great to see the British collection on display

  7. Splendid stuff all round there Matt:)!
