Thursday 24 October 2024

American Assault : Sicily 1943 : Bolt Action

Two games to share this week. In the dungeon a return to Sicily. George came for a game this morning to break up our ongoing Chain of Command Campaign, a slightly modified breakthrough scenario. The Americans are pushing inland from Gela. They have a mix of Paratroopers and GI’s with heavy support in terms of Machine Guns and an M7. The Germans are slightly outnumbered but are dug in behind a dry river bed and a small village. The Americans will arrive in two waves. The Germans also have some reserves (that’s if they turn up !)

The setup, Americans assaulting from the left with the target to break through the green line.
The first wave of American paratroopers advance on their right flank towards the village, the Germans have located a machine gun in the Bunker close to the bridge, this covers the bridge and river bed but the Paratroopers are looking to outflank it.
The Germans take a bit of punishment during an effective ‘pre-assault’ bombardment
Already the Americans are surging forward and the Germans fail several key activations
Some reserves do arrive for the Germans but it is clear the Americans are focusing on their right 
A unit of Germans Fallschirmjager move into cover the village, but are hit by an American mortar.
The bunker has now been taken out but the paratroopers still need to close to the village.
The focus of the battle is now around the village 
and they are surging forward. If only the German reserves would arrive ! (I should say that to this point it was pretty clear who the dice gods were supporting in this battle. Apart from the M7 which can’t hit anything the americans can hardly miss, it was painful at times for the Germans who take a pasting. The German reserves failing three attempts to arrive)
Now thin on the ground the Germans even need to throw their commander forward to plug the gaps
Close to collapse now the Germans are holding on by a thread, finally they do start to fight back killing a number of American troops by the bridge.
The rest of the GI’s are pushing along the river bed under the bridge, but they aren’t going to be needed
Finally the German reserves arrive but it is too late and after six turns the Germans are down to three remaining units. It has cost the Americans but a decisive win in the end. A fun battle despite the result and played in good spirit. I designed the game/scenario to be unbalanced but hadn’t counted on the dice gods who helped the Americans more than they really needed, without this help it might have been very tight.

At the weekend I was invited down to join the Lancaster Club with one of their BIG Napoleonic battles. I would be providing a couple of British Brigades and a cavalry brigade. Foolishly my Allied commanders voted me to Lead our British allied force, first mistake. Anyway it was a great day gaming, huge battle with many lovely Napoleonic figures on show. The details of the scenario/battle are unfortunately lost to my memory. Basically the french would be attacking, the allies holding three ruined farms would then try to get enough troops to throw the French back. Here are a few photos to show the spectacle 🙂
The table after the first French move as they arrive on the table
My British holding the centre, as is my usual foolishly approach my light cavalry immediately charged across the battlefield to take on some french cannons which they did and then spent much of the rest of the battle floating about.
Being in the centre holding a key objective is bad as that is where the french Guard tend to be !!!!
The french do their best to adavance across the table
At the very far end a tough fight to control the farm house takes much of the day to resolve
The British have Russian allies or is it the other way round ? And we have loads of heavy cavalry who move towards the flank of the French guard
My British fail to activate at the wrong moment and get caught moving up in column !
George ‘Napoleon’ looking content in his throne
The guard assault columns crash into the British we lose a brigade, but my second line holds just about and finally the tide starts to turn. The guard are eventually thrown back. The ultimate result was a draw with 40 VP each side so we diced off and I lost 😂 a great day with lots of banter and I will hopefully get invited back soon.
Finally I sneeked out for a walk on Tuesday, which whilst breezy was a fine day for walking. The prominent hill is Whiteless Pike
And later in the day the view west across the Lake District.

I seem to be keeping busy and hopefully another game Sunday 

Thanks as always for checking in



  1. Two cracking games of wee sojers there Matt, your table spread is rather fine as usual. Great outdoor shot is very uplifting, we were planning to stay up there this weekend and possibly later but the weather is looking decidedly damp so I think that plan is off the cards.

    1. Thanks Phil let me know if you do find yourselves in the Lake District. As for the rain it does stop occasionally 🙂

  2. Beautiful games Matt. A frustrating lack of activation for your British. There is nothing worse than being hung out like that for just one turn and then failing an activation test.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, it felt harsh as the British failing an activation as my first brigade included the Foot guards and I wasn’t able to shake them into line for the oncoming french advance, this included a re roll using the ADC who was then killed by my poor rolling…..the fog of war I guess 🙂

  3. Two super looking games, Matt! You remain very, very busy on the gaming front. I guess that George was attacking as the Americans in Sicily? If so, then you remain a cordial host by allowing George a taste of victory. Your Napoleonic game is massive! Losing on a single, tiebreaking die roll? That is just unlucky. Beautiful scenics from your walk. The landscape is quite barren, isn't it?

    1. Thanks Jon, yes George had the GI’s this time. The dice gods ensured I had no choice in the matter of who won or not. I think on one occasion the Americans rolled 6 x sixes to hit with about 10 dice ! I on the other hand failed to bring on my reserves three turns in a row.

  4. Great stuff Matt, and it was so good to have Lady Luck smile on me for a change, I am sure you will get your own back in Konigsberg.
