Thursday, 13 May 2021

10 mm Buildings for SYW

 Slowish progress since the weekend as I have for some reason found the Hessian grenadiers I am painting  a little tiresome ? Not sure why but I am at least working my way through. Of course it is easy to get distracted as I have an almost unlimited pile of stuff to paint.

So I decided to pick up some terrain for a change. These are a mix of Battlescale, Hovels and unknown manufacturers. All 10 mm for my SYW games nice buildings which work well together at this scale.

It is unlikely they will appear all together  my plan is to build some bases and will work on the idea of 1, 2 or 3 buildings on a base depending on the size of the village/settlement
Some more more rural buildings
Town buildings

And a shot of our walk from the weekend, showery day but we were lucky to get a clear spell on the top.

Lots more planned for the next few weeks gaming and painting 👍


  1. Nice assortment of buildings, Matt! Having too much to paint can prompt indecision. The bigger The Lead Pile, the worse this can become. Beautiful view of the meadow and mountains.

    1. Thanks Jon….we love that little focus to keep us going, but it helps me when I can swop projects when one is just dragging slightly.

  2. The buildings came out well,good looking terrain always enhances a game.
    How did you get the local talent lined up so nicely in the last photo?

    1. Thank you..I guess I do like a bit of terrain so I try to make it look nice. The local fauna were fairly happy to pose 👍

  3. Really like the Battlescale stuff, I have never had anything from them with air bubbles etc.

    Did you do Photoshop type stuff with the landscape shot? Or is that out of camera? It is very appealing.

    1. Thanks Norm, very happy with the buildings so far, and they paint up nicely. The photo is just straight but it was using my wife’s fancy phone.

  4. A nice assortment of buildings

  5. Nice buildings but in the end I went down the 6mm route for use with my 10mm figures, which work nicely. I can get more buildings on a base to in comparison to 10mm one and they give a nice impression of a BUA. All of them I have removable from the BUA base to try and avoid bases on roof tops.

    Nice shot of the countryside too:)

    1. Thanks yes I thought hard about the 6mm route, in. Fact I already have quite a collecition of 6 mm although these are eastern front buildings. I think I am heading for 1 2 or 3 buildings representing a BUA moveable within the area so the figures can be accommodated. We’ll see when I get them on the table

  6. Nice little buildings for your diddy chaps there Matt. Is that snow still on the hills in your sheepograph?

    1. Thanks David…yes a little snow left at the weekend from the weekend before, but it has warmed up again so not much left now !

  7. I love those buildings. what's a large lead pile!

    1. Thank you, that is a question for the WSS survey I think. But I am not sure I want to admit in this open space 😱like admitting to being an addict. I think if I painted for quite a long time at my current rate I wouldn’t run out for a good while ! Why don’t you go first !

  8. Lovely work on these buildings Matt...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly….simply painting really and a little rough dry brushing !

  9. Fine looking real estate and scenic shot there Matt.

  10. Great looking terrain in 10mm, Matt!

  11. I find that Painting some terrain is a nice change of pace from miniatures. Nice job on the buildings. 😐

  12. Nice looking buildings and lovely full scale terrain!
    Best Iain

  13. Great work on the buildings, spending time on scenery is worth it!
