Saturday, 17 September 2022

Painting update 🙂

With a couple more games to blog up in due course I thought I would share a couple of recently completed items.

First up some Dark age tents, I picked these up at Pendraken at their 30th Birthday celebration, nothing too fancy as after all they are just terrain to sit in the background
Also for the Norwegian 1940 collection some much needed artillery support. Now they didn’t have much but did have some outdated Ehrhardt 7.5cm model 1901 guns which were pressed into service especially in the north and the east. This isn’t actually an Ehrhardt but I think Steve J you might have sent me this gun and it is very close, I found some more modern wheels which just about fit. The crew are just winter Germans painted as Norwegians.
Another kind gift (David thank you) I had this extra Union General but as I already had one version of this I have converted him with a different arm and a much more impressive beard of the period 🙂
Finally yet another Roman fort, we were in Edinburgh for the weekend and on the way back we stopped at Lyne Roman fort not a lot to see but the external outline is very clear in the field. The sign where I took this shot from is the site of a later Christian burial site.
The outer ditch is very clearly visible the notice board indicates that during investigation the usual buildings were identified built out of local red sandstone, a shame that none of this is any longer visible. No doubt used in local buildings and the nearby church.

Thank for looking I hope to blog up our second ACW battle in the next couple of days 👍



  1. Neat gun and crew for the Norwegian front. That will give them some much needed support. You are getting out and about with increased regularity. The shift into retirement show great energy.

    1. Thanks Jon, the Norwegians need that little extra punch !

  2. Those tents have come out rather well and a splendid use of gifts too. There is a fair bit of Rome up in the wild north.

    1. Thanks Phil, simple often equals effective. Plenty more Roman stuff to go at 😀

  3. Nice additions on several fronts Matt, the Norwegian gun and crew being my personal favourite. Lovely scenic shots as always, too.

    1. Thanks Keith hopefully the Norwegians will get the chance to fire the gun in combat soon 🤔

  4. good stuff. Do you have a map with all the castles and forts ticked off

    1. Thanks Martin, I do have a couple of maps but not really ticking them off👍

  5. Great work there Matt and I'm glad oyu found a use for the gun, but with 'modern' wheels which frankly make it look much better. Nice to use some Germans as stand in for the Norwegians: I've used WWI Austrians for mine which should pass muster in 10mm. Nice to see you out and about exploring still :).

    1. Thanks Steve, the warlord winter Germans are a pretty good option for Norwegians as they come without attached kit, as you say in 10mm you might get away with other options

    2. Thanks Steve, the warlord winter Germans are a pretty good option for Norwegians as they come without attached kit, as you say in 10mm you might get away with other options

  6. Fine tents there Matt! The Norwegian gun & crew look very good too, but my vote goes for THE BEARD!

    1. Thanks David I agree the beard worked out well 👍
