Friday 17 March 2023

US Reinforcements and Russian collapse

I started the American force around Christmas mainly using spares bits to create a small Chain of Command force. This has developed with some support options to a force suitable for Bolt Action games. The latest additions painted this week complete this to give me the option of playing them in either ruleset. In no particular order…..

57mm Anti tank gun, which had started to replace the 37mm in 1943, will be powerful against any German Armour on Sicily
A Sherman, well you have to really, armed with a 76mm and a 0.50cal machine gun
A jeep with 0.50 cal (the Americans certainly liked their heavy machine guns !)
A M8 Greyhound to give them some mobility, think this had a 37mm (and yes another 0.50cal)
So here is the complete force, happy so far considering they were only started around Christmas. What next, perhaps a squad of paratroopers I have a few bits which might be made into a squad, perhaps a couple of  transports. Other than that I don’t plan to grow the force much more. Future expansions in Sicily are more likely to focus on some British ?

We played our fourth battle in our Smolensk campaign this week, this time the Germans would be attacking. So the Russians could dig in on the defensive ?
With the extra support points the Russians are taking a 76mm infantry gun, an HMG and the BT7 together with a couple of dug in positions
All goes well at the start and the Russians are able to deploy their force quite quickly.
Then the Germans begin to arrive !
Russian infantry moves into the buildings for cover
What should be a strong defensive position
……and then somehow the Russians collapse. Here is a shot of George’s lovely setup, hopefully he will post up the battle in a bit more detail. Firstly I should say I enjoyed the battle and I’m actually quite enjoying the different approach of the rules, but this sudden  collapse of the Russians did lead to a lengthy post game discussion about the rules and why they seem to be giving us battles which seem one sided ? It is slightly frustrating, in this battle although they were attacking the Germans had only deployed about 2/3 of their force, the Russians were fully deployed, when they collapsed the Russians had only lost two support units the mortar and the infantry gun. The Russians did have some unlucky rolls but both sides had too much stuff left or un-used for the battle to end so quickly. There are lots of possible tweaks and solutions to this and we may think about this for the next encounter ?

Finally despite the weather not being great I stopped off on the way home to get some mountain biking in, enjoyable but very muddy !
The forests overlooking Coniston
That’s it for now,  planning on a Bolt Action battle this weekend 👍



  1. Matt, you made impressively quick work on fielding your Americans. Great job!

    On your CoC game, what came out of your post-game discussion? Was it bad dice that prompted the Russian collapse?

    Great seeing you back out on the bike again. For you, Spring seems to have arrived. I actually braved chilly temperatures and gritty roads to get out on my bike for the first time this year. Hooray!

    1. Thanks Jon, the rain seems to have arrived again this week so the weather not enticing an outdoor ride at the moment.

  2. Lovely looking Americans Matt...
    As Jonathan says... You have certainly made short work of them.
    Thate a good looking game...even hought it was over too soon...

    All the best Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, the benefits of the Americans depending on the colour combination you use is the webbing is all the same colour 👍

  3. Wow those Americans look great and done in double quick time. As for the Russians I'm still to get mine on the gaming table

    1. Thanks Neil I have found the Infantry pretty easy to paint due to the simple colour scheme

  4. Cracking work and progress Matt. I found with my games using CoC that they were either drawn out or short and sharp, perhaps reflecting reality? Uplifting outdoor shot as usual you are lucky having such wonderful scenery close at hand.

    1. Thanks Phil 👍 we are giving CoC more time to see how it develops

  5. Lovely to see the Yanks in action. As to the Russian collapse, well, what do you expect from CoC? Surely not a decent game?

    1. Thanks David….it may have been my bad rolling as well

  6. Your American force look awesome Matt!

  7. A great effort with the US contingent and all beautifully done. The loss of two support units and an infantry gun does seem a little light to precipitate a collapse.

    1. Thanks Lawrence….the main problem was two junior leaders were injured and then killed so I had to roll on the damage charts twice for each one, this precipitated the Russian decline

  8. Nice looking additions Matt. I didn't ever experience a short, sharp game of CoC during our short acquaintance, and my memory of exactly how the rules work is sketchy, but sounds to me like some kind of fluke caused by too many improbable dice rolls? Normally, you start off with force morale of seven or eight and they normally only drop by one when you lose a unit or a commander?

    1. Thanks Keith. The Russians started with a force morale of 8 so not ideal. I lost the mortar team and then two junior leaders were wounded, I rolled unluckily then one was killed next phase and I rolled a 6 which had my force morale down to 2. Then the Germans picked off the infantry gun killing the second Junior leader and the team……the Russians at that point were gone. I think our main concern was there were too many troops who had either not entered the table (Germans) or not engaged in the fight Russians for the battle to end.

  9. Excellent, and fast, work on the GI's Matt.
    Tough luck in the CoC game....not one we play, so I have no helpful ideas.

  10. Hi Matt, great job on the vehicles / gun, the tones are exactly right, in the same way that Phil Robinson’s are - is that something to do wit the wash? I can’t comment on the CoC, I have stayed away in the belief that there is a steep learning curve, but i might be wrong on that, in which case, that has been my loss.

    1. Thanks Norm, vehicles were sprayed with US Army colour, then touched up with a slightly lighter green, then splashed in stain and then dry brushed with a light brown. Learning CoC not too bad although it helps that George has played more in the past. I quite like the mechanics.

  11. Very nice Americans Matt might get to meet them at some point. Added to the loss of the support units was the incredibly unlucky loss of Leaders and the resulting bad rolls for the effect. Nonetheless it was an unsatisfying game from a wargaming viewpoint, but thanks for your company. My report here

    1. Thanks George, I agree a strange set of occurrences in combination lead to the Russian demise, they will need to keep their Junior leaders out of harms way next time !

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks Bruce and thanks for checking in 👍

  13. Nice stuff--the Americans look good and the CoC stuff looks great. I'm no expert on CoC but as the defender you could perhaps consider holding off on deploying and force the Germans to come forward and attack before revealing your units. That wouldn't let them use their superior firepower to kill your guys from a distance and you could try to set up a superior defence once you work out where the main attacking thrust is coming from. If your guys are on the table they can be killed. Just a thought? Obviously you need to balance this with the fact that you cannot guarantee exactly when you will able to deploy your forces but generally I think waiting for the attacker to come forward and commit might be a better way and avoid a long range shooting-fest.

    1. Thanks for checking in and leaving a comment. As to strategy I think you may well be right, we might see some sort of standoff and it will be a very difficult balance to achieve. Somehow the Russians need to negate the German firepower ? And avoid the long range shootout

    2. Yeah I think if you as defender just do nothing then the attacker will eventually have to advance to achieve their objectives. You can then deploy your units in the most advantageous spots to kill them off when they get close. As long as you don't let them come far enough forward to take a jump off point it should give you more of a chance. Support options like minefields when available can help you herd them to where they will be easiest to kill.

  14. Lovely looking forces there Matt and another superb game to enjoy too. Sadly me knees and back prevent me from off road biking, which I used to enjoy many years ago:(.

  15. Great looking Americans, still haven't got around to using my Russians, they'd probably play as well!
    Best Iain
