Friday 18 August 2023

Blackwatch, Vietnam, Dark Ages and more

Ok not much sense in this post but catching up on a few hobby related things. I have managed some reasonable painting time over the past couple of weeks, biting the ‘tartan bullet’ I decided it was time I had some Highlanders in the Peninsular force. I actually had two units in the lead pile. First up then the 42nd Black Watch.

These are Warlord figures nicely sculpted although a few of the bayonets are a bit fragile.
Not surprisingly they were a true test of my meagre painting skills but I think I can live with the results. The GMB flags improve the overall effect
I have also been working away at another couple of generic Dark age units, these have been picked up then put back down many times but suddenly they are completed.
The last ACW game we needed some additional markers so I has a few casualty markers which I have popped onto bases as well, so some good progress

I have also played several games away from the dungeon, two down at George’s both of which he has blogged already, most recently a very close battle in our Smolensk campaign. I didn’t take many shots but here is my lovely Mortar battery before they were tricked into the open and killed ! After about 4 hours of fighting both sides were on the point of collapse, unfortunately the Russians collapsed first 🙁

And what of Vietnam, well Dave and Martin have been collecting Vietnam since covid, playing a range of different sized battles (one at Partizan was featured in WI a couple of months ago) last weekend they kindly invited a small group to play through a massive (really massive) game over three days in Scarborough. Gerry Elliot the host has a stunning gaming facility which was turned into jungle for the weekend. Far too much happened over the weekend to run through any details, but Dave and Martin had constructed a complex range of scenarios and objectives for us to play through using their own bespoke ruleset. It was a great pleasure to play I will just share some eye candy here check out their blogs for more details etc… it isn’t really a period I have gamed so I can’t even name all the various vehicles which were in play.
The full setup ! The gap in the middle being a river
Crashed objectives
Marines attacking the rubber factory
Enormous VC trench system discovered on the hills
Tunnels !
We did manage to rescue/destroy the chopper
Inside the tunnels which were very tough to clear out
Day two and the armoured convoy arrives
Marines trudging through VC infested jungle
VC take out our leading transport
More Napalm
We’ve finally captured the village
Anzacs attacking the trench system
Tough fighting in the village

As you can see it was a truly impressive setup, although it is rumoured there is more to come ! We all had fun, thanks to Dave and Martin for their huge efforts to make the weekend run and to Ged and his Wife for the facility and excellent housekeeping and support.

Hopefully a dark age battle later in the dungeon

Matt 😀


  1. What a fantastic game Matt. I went to the tunnels at Cu Chi and read a terrifying book on the combat underground.

    1. Not really my period but I enjoyed the game 👍

  2. Black Watch look spectacular mate! They'll be a lovely focal point in your Napoleonic games for sure.

    I have those Dark Ages generic fellows waiting in my massive painting queue too and more with slings to boot. No idea but after I built and primed them all, I lost all interest in actually painting them. Hope if/when I do get back to my own that they'll look as good as yours.

    That Vietnam setup is simply stunning! You are a lucky fellow to get to have played on those tables.

  3. Great to have you along to the game - good fun and social catch up . Nice army additions

  4. Well those Black Watch chaps look rather good in their tartan kilts, which look very reffective to me Matt. The Dark Ages chaps and ACW markers are tasty too. That really is a massive Vietnam game that is very impressive for sure! Not a period I can really get into despite pondering it on and off over the years. Maybe it is the terrain and asymmetry of the warfare that puts my off?

    1. Thanks Steve, I do have another highland unit to paint but will choose something simipler first !

  5. I like the look of the Black Watch and that Vietnam game looks awesome

  6. Really glad you enjoyed the game. See you soon

  7. Fine additions there Matt. A close run thing on the Smolensk campaign front and that Nam game is phenomenal.

    1. Thanks Phil, yes Smolensk was down to the last two morale points for both sides !

  8. Holy moly, that's not just an impressive layout, but was a real, actual game! So awesome.

    1. Thanks so much of course I was only playing others take the credit for making all the jungle !

  9. The Black Watch look great Matt, as does the Vietnam game. It was the anniversary of Long Tan here yesterday so there was a fair bit in the news about Vietnam. A spectacular layout with all the elements combined.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, we never hear any news of Vietnam here I guess for obvious reasons as it wasn’t our conflict. But is of course fairly recent history elsewhere.

  10. David's layout is simply amazing. I rarely see something of this caliber and scale. Incredible work, really. What was your reaction when you first stepped into that hall and saw the layout?

    Fine looking additions to your projects. Besides your travel and rigorous gaming schedule, how did you find time to paint?

    1. Thanks Jon, the main challenge in the Vietnam battle is fighting your way across with almost limitless VC ambushing !

  11. Nice 42 Highlanders and Dark Ages figures Matt and as everyone has commented, the Vietnam game is stunning - what a great experience to play in such an epic.
    Following on from Lawrences comment, I pulled this off the web - yesterday was Vietnam Veterans Day in New Zealand - I persobnally know two guys who served there, one in the NZ 161 Battery RNZA and the other in the Australian infantry.

    “This year marks 60 years since a New Zealand civilian surgical team arrived in Vietnam– it was another two years before combat troops were sent. The team was also the last to leave Vietnam in 1975.

    “By the conclusion of the conflict, more than 3000 New Zealand military personnel served in South Vietnam. In addition, approximately 300 civilian medical and aid workers travelled from New Zealand to assist the people of South Vietnam.

    “Thirty-nine New Zealanders lost their lives during the conflict, with two civilians among them who were serving in the Red Cross or civilian surgical team. Many others were wounded or suffered the effects of toxins such as Agent Orange – effects which continue to affect our citizens and the citizens of Vietnam for succeeding generations”

    “The commemoration will reflect on the service and sacrifice of the New Zealanders who took part in the Vietnam War, as well as the ongoing impact of war on veterans and their families.

    1. Thanks Keith and thanks for the nod to the commemorations. As we hear so little about the Vietnam war here in the UK you forget how recent and real the impacts have been and continue.

  12. Matt, I would share your trepidation of tartan, but you have done a sterling job, very natural looking figures.

    What to say about the Vietnam game! I don’t think I have seen anything so impressive put out by a couple of blokes … splendid

  13. The Black Watch are really good Matt, well done. Dark Age figures are versatile, no doubt we'll see them in several incarnations over the coming months. As to the Vietnam game, as our former colonials would say, Awesome!

    1. Thanks David, the Dark age troops have already seen some conflict which I will share soon

  14. Wow - impressive work on both the Highlanders and Dark Age warband, Matt! Nice gaming too.

  15. Quite the mix Matt, always good to break things up.

  16. those ACW markers really steal the show...

    just kidding, naturally that Vietnam game looks epic. Lucky you to be able to attend. looks like a great gaming experience. 😁

    1. You got it Stew the only person to even notice the markers 😀😀 Vietnam was fun even if it isn’t really my period, I did learn a lot

  17. Lovely toys as always Matt…
    You have been a busy boy…
    The Vietnam game looks splendid… I have played the period in the past using 20mm figures but nothing as big as that.

    All the best. Aly
