Saturday 28 October 2023

Sicily 1943 : Operation Husky : Bolt Action

A run out for my Sicily collection from a few weeks ago before my recent illness, but I hadn’t got round to blogging the battle. With two fairly equal forces we chose a slightly quirky scenario. As the battle was some time ago the photos will have to tell most of the story.

Objectives were placed in the far right quadrant, then forces were split with each army coming on as shown above.
German armour heads for the centre of the table to hold the road junction
American heavy weapon support
Including a cleverly placed antitank gun looking along the road
German armour turns left avoiding a potential flank shot down the road
GI’s arrive in force but a long way form the objectives
German Panzer now holding the road junction
But the GI’s are digging in around the farm
GI’s have taken the high ground and have sent their Sherman down the left
The Germans have taken out the damaged building with a direct hit
A wider shot of the battlefield
Finally after several turns the Germans have managed to knock out the American antitank gun
After trading shots the Pz IV knocks out the Sherman with a side shot
In the end the Germans gain a clear victory when their infantry capture the objectives

A fun game and nice to get the Sicily collection on the table.

Thanks for checking in



  1. A fine looking table and battle there Matt.πŸ‘

  2. Nice to see the Sicily collection again!

    1. Thanks David warmer than here at the moment πŸ‘

  3. Great looking game and scenario. The 82nd Airborne got battle tested in Sicily and Italy.

    1. Thanks Dean lots of interesting history in Sicily to be refought πŸ™‚

  4. A great looking game Matt, and the photos do tell the story very well.

  5. Cracking stuff Matt…
    A lovely looking and sounding game…

    All the best. Aly

  6. Great to see the mid war Pz III & IV in action Matt...looked like the Germans had the upper hand most of the way in this one? Scenery and troops look wonderful, as always!

    1. Thanks Keith, indeed nice to get a couple of my mid war tanks on the table for a change and yes the Germans got of to a good start and the Americans mistakenly chose to deploy too far from the objectives

  7. Beautiful set up, as always, Matt. After so long away from the action, I am surprised you remembered any of the game. Glad you are back in the saddle again.

    1. Thanks Jon luckily I have the photos to remind me πŸ‘

  8. Lovely table and evocative photos. Those buildings are amongst my favourites.

    1. Thanks Norm…..a mix of Charlie fox trot and my home conversions πŸ‘

  9. Another cracking game set in Sicily there Matt:). What a visual feast!

  10. Great looking game! Nice to see you back at it. Looks like great fun.

    1. Slowly getting back to gaming although sadly still not fully recovered time will tell πŸ€”

  11. Tough game for the yanks from the look of things.

    Gorgeous setup as always though sir. Really do like your Med tables.

  12. Excellent looking game as always!
    Best Iain
