Thursday, 12 November 2015

Spartans !

Decided it was time for a change on the painting front so something different I have been working on some Spartans. These are old foundry figures picked up from a show in quite a big bag.....there are some more but not sorted them out yet.

Picture is not great but they are all armoured so I plan to field these as Elite Hoplites or the King's Bodyguard. Here they are with my other Spartan infantry.


  1. They are great, and look proper deadly

    1. Thanks hoping to get them on the battlefield soon.

  2. Looking good Matt.
    What rules are you planning to use? I've got a few Greeks for OGAM and wouldn't mind expanding to a WAB sized army at some point...

    1. Thanks I tend to play clash of empires, which is best described as an evolution from WAB. You'll see I base individually so can use any rule sets really. I have WAB and also hail caeser but have never got round to trying HS.

  3. Wow, your Spartans are very impressive!
