Tuesday 20 August 2024

Battle of Vimeiro 1808

The Pennisular collection has developed nicely and has reached the point where I can look at staging some historical battles. Given the scale of the battles it is likely I will focus on sections of larger battles with a plan to ‘taste’ all of the major battles at some point ? So first up the Battle of Vimeiro. A lot of resources out there on Napoleonic battles the balance is finding stuff at the right scale and it is sometimes easier using map resources 🤔 

Luckily there are a lot of these available as well
I used this version as a good basis for our scenario, with our battle covering the French attacks on the left around Vimeiro itself.
This then converted to my 8x5 table. The British are all on the table but will have to dice for the arrival of Trant’s Portuguese brigade. The french will have to roll for their second wave and Magaron’s Cavalry, but learning from previous battles we didn’t make this too hard, so they should arrive not later than turn 4. Historically Junot pretty much mismanaged the attack throwing his forces in piecemeal. To make more of a battle we would allow the French to arrive as they wished although only this side of the road to Vimeiro. The main objective is to capture the town which controls the river crossing but breaking 50% of the enemy brigades would also signal a win, and bonus points for the french capturing Vimeiro Hill.
Hill’s Brigade waiting on the hill behind Vimeiro
Acland again on high ground threatening the flank of the french assault. To give some numerical balance we didn’t continue the ridge north so Crauford is not represented.
The french come on in Attack formation with Thomiere and Charlot’s Brigades supported with Artillery
The guns open up and the french infantry begin the march towards Vimeiro Hill, some skirmish activity on both sides to distract the enemy line
Acland observes the advance but the french are out of range, although his artillery does open up
A long view down the battlefield at this early stage of the battle , Hill can be seen rushing across the bridge towards the town on the right
Using V&F the main volley ranges are 12” so the french get close before the British line opens up ! This drives one of the French columns away
Hill rushes across the river to occupy the town (it consists of three distinct defensible areas) but one of the French columns come across to attack
The leading french infantry reach the crest to assault the British, but they hold for another turn of combat
A lucky roll on the reserve die and the french cavalry arrive hoorah ! Together with the second wave of infantry who can be seen closing in on the town
Acland is ordered off the ridge to close the range to the attackers
Kellerman and St Claire arrive and are directed towards the town
The french cavalry pause to reform whilst the french guns pound the ridge
The British are now holding all three sectors of the town
Hard to believe I actually have some french infantry who weren’t needed for the OB
Acland’s infantry sweeps down off the hill
The french second wave goes in but St Claire’s brigade fails a critical assault action and stall for one turn !
The reformed cavalry prepare to charge but the pause has given the British time to form square on the ridge….so typical ! (This type of historically accurate but unsportsmanlike behaviour should be banned !)
Wavering the french cavalry seek easier targets on the ridge
The hand to hand fight for the town is hotting up, but in the distance Trant’s Portuguese have arrived at the double
Tough fighting which the french finally win capturing the first sector of the town
Kellermans grenadiers turn right and charge forward in an attempt to clear thier flank, but get halted by the British line
Portuguese reserves swarm into the back of the town, although it is hard to see form the photos the French have effectively lost half , three of their original six brigades.
They have managed to capture one of the three town sectors and their cavalry is menacing along and around Vimeiro Hill, the British have lost several Battalions but all five of their brigades remain on the table. So reluctantly we have to declare it a victory for the British hoorah 🇬🇧 certainly with the Portuguese arriving they are unlikely to capture the town. 

What can I say, a splendid battle, the french were up against it from the start, but they were historically. Needless to say it is a real pleasure to see the collection out fighting on the table ….more to come

Thanks as always Matt


  1. Superb battle and a great idea, just taking small parts of a battle to refight

  2. Great looking table and miniatures, really nice. A good read too and a win for the British but a hard earned one. As Neil says, a great idea doing small parts of the battle, and idea I will certainly use myself.

    1. Thanks Donnie a pleasure to play the collection 👍

  3. Fantastic stuff Matt and despite your personal feelings, gotta celebrate a British victory!!

    1. Thanks Keith a fun game and of course I’m not too worried about the result, the french gave it a good go

  4. Great looking presentation, Matt, and doubly great to see your Napoleonics out on the table for battle. Vimeiro is a battle I have often fought. Perhaps refighting it more often than any other battle. In most games, I fought in 15mm and examined the entire battle. This is a tough fight for the French. I only recall seeing a French victory a small number of times. You are right that Junot made a mess of things but then, he usually did.

    1. Thanks Jon I might check your blog to see a version although I don’t remember seeing one. I guess it is a Napoleonic battle On a slightly smaller scale than some. Attacking with a limited if any numerical superiority to a well defended position isn’t going to work unless you can really concentrate the assault ?

  5. Most impressive indeed, your Peninsular collection has come on in fine style.

    1. Thanks Phil….hopefully some inspiration ?

  6. Lovely looking game Matt, makes it all worthwhile.

    1. Thanks George and definitely worthwhile and it encouraging me to paint more Napoleonics a bit of an obsession ?

  7. Always a pleasure to see any collection make it onto the tabletop battlefield and your Peninsular War collection is worthy of that exposure. Looking forward to seeing more British triumphs!

    1. Many thanks David it is certainly nice to see a project come together, certainly planning some more battles

  8. I loved this Matt, great to see your collection in action and a fabulous battle to boot.

  9. What an intelligent way to build a scenario for a game. Excellent quality troops on the table. Nice to see the collection in use. And a great game. Thanks, good to see you back to normal.

    1. Many thanks Joe a pleasure to play and share 👍

  10. Cracking stuff as always Matt and many of the scenarios for this conflict are a tough ask for the French. One day it would be nice to play some linked scenarios-cum-campaign, with the French having to worry about their supply lines etc as they did historically: ditto the British and Allies too.

    1. Thanks Steve as you say the french were often on the attack and against a strong defensive position in the peninsular. I might seek out some smaller scenarios where parts of the battle are balanced.

  11. Nice to seethe Peninsular collection make its first appearance. It all looks spectacular Matt, and a good solid historical result to start with.

    1. Thanks Lawrence….the figures have been out a couple of times but this is their first historical outing. And this was the purpose of starting the collection

  12. Hurrah!
    New toys on the table …And a great looking and sounding game.
    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly….luckily at the rate I currently paint figures there is nearly always something new on the table. It is certainly nice to see the Pennisular out on the table 👍
