Wednesday 28 August 2024

Napoleonic French Hussars galloping into battle….

Just a quick post before I start to get behind again. These chaps were finished over the last couple of days and are galloping to the sound of the guns this morning.

They are based on the 7th Hussars but their uniforms are not for the purists. Perry miniatures whose cavalry I think is absolutely superb to put together and paint. They have created a real headache though as i have now discovered the swords in the upright position don’t quite fit in my normal storage boxes ! this is really annoying. But I think I have a plan…..

These will see action in a couple of hours against the Russians so I’m off to finish setting up 😀

Thanks as always for taking the time to pop in



  1. Can plasasstic figures gallop? Too light I would have thought? Grand additions to the collection despite that😉

  2. Delightfully dashing hussars there Matt.

  3. Dashing, as only hussars can pull off!

  4. They look terrific. I have a bag of Victrix Naps cavalry on my desk and am a little dreading putting them together. Glad to hear that the Perry plastics go together easily. Your figures look terrific and I hope the evade the freshly painted figures in their first battle curse!

  5. Beautifully done Matt. Annoying that they don't quite fit in your usual storage boxes. I'm trying to think how I'd get around that.

  6. Splendid looking hussars! Yes I have to store my Perry plastic hussars on their side in my boxes, a small price to pay for such lovely figures!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

  7. Lovely looking cavalry, they look superb, looking forward to see how they get on when they go to battle.
