Monday 19 August 2024

Napoleonic Artillery, Tallarn and some more Naples ๐Ÿ˜€

 Health almost back to normal (which doesn’t mean much at the moment) so been a bit more active, first up some painting…..

Did some tidying up of the lead pile and found these so rattled them off in a couple of evenings. front rank figures picked up like so much other stuff secondhand. Nice because unlike the warlord British peninsular artillery they have gaiters making them look slightly different.
At the other end of the spectrum I finished off some Tallarn bits which had been languishing, a sniper 
Armoured command squad including medic
And my final three infantry, no plans to get anymore of these but I have nearly completed the final couple of command figures/officers
Another couple of walks earlier in the week when the wet hare has been good, beautiful purple heather across the fells of Borrowdale
And on a different day I managed to capture this RAF typhoon training over Ulswater

A few more pictures from Naples… which is well known for its many church’s we visited quite a few, many are free some incredibly spectacular some struggling for money here are just a few of the frescos etc..
Another fresco ceiling in the palace
Not only ceilings but incredible marble floors !
After a while it can be hard to take it all in ….unless you are very keen on church’s 
This was of particular note as it is a mosaic ceiling from way back at the end of the Roman Empire. The photo doesn’t do it justice..
and finally we found this famous portrait in one of the galleries

That’s it for this post, I need to blog our lastest Napoleonic battle from Saturday when I have edited the pictures.


  1. Excellent brushwork, Matt! Good to see that you are finally on the mend. Seems like this has been a very long stretch of illness for you. Lovely photos of Naples churches. I saw some of these same photos in a recently viewed TV travel show.

    1. Thanks Jon certainly feeling better at the moment. Almost too many stunning churches in Naples !

  2. Glad you're on the mend and really like the front rank artillery

    1. Thanks Neil they fit nicely with the rest of the collection ๐Ÿ‘

  3. Good to hear your health has improved. The artillery are very nice, good looking figures and very well painted too. Some lovely pictures from Naples the craftmanship on show is mind boggling. Beautiful view of the heather on the fells, stunning view.

    1. Thanks Donnie the landscapes are very pretty at the moment

  4. A fine additions to the Napoleonic and Tallarn ranks, that outdoor shot is very atmospheric indeed. They certainly know how to do church in Italy.

  5. Pleased to read your health is on the mend, Matt. I have a few of those FR artillery crews myself....still one of my favourite ranges to paint. The Tallarn look great too as does the scenery and Neopolitan churches. Good work getting your camera on the Typhoon, as well!

    1. The front rank can be a little chunky with other ranges but these fellows fit nicely and yes a joy to paint. I actually took several videos of the Typhoon it helps when you know where they are going to turn ๐Ÿ‘

  6. Good to have your health returning...though it seems to take forever these days! Nice work on the figures. Those Tallarn would make fantastic Stargrave crewmen!

    1. Thanks Terry, gradually improving an age thing I guess ? More likely a Xeno rampant force which works for me ๐Ÿ‘

  7. Glad your health is on the up Matt! Grand additions to the Napoleonic and Space Fairy collections. Can't see the 'wet hare' though, but church pictures are super, thanks!

    1. Thanks David well spotted on the typo doh !

    2. Sorry, can't shake the habits formed from 30 years in the classroom.๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Great work on the artillery and other additions Matt. Good to see your health is on the upward trajectory.

    1. Thanks Lawrence certainly feeling a bit better at the moment

  9. So pleased that you are feeling a little brighter Matt. Lovely additions to the collection and that view - wow!

    1. Thanks Michael …the Lake District keeps providing ๐Ÿ‘

  10. cool, I defineitely need more Russians

  11. Matt, glad you are feeling better now. The churches are very ornate in your photos. The artillery unit is very impressive and looks like it needs a target.

  12. Glad to hear your almost back to normal now, which is of course a good thing! Lovely work on the figures and some cracking shots from those churches. Just back from visiting my father where many times a day we get to see, but mainly hear, the Typhoons from RAF Marham which is a very splendid sight.
