Tuesday 13 August 2024

KBO as Winston would say…..

Unfortunately the games planned for last week had to be postponed as following my trip to Edinburgh I was struck down yet again with illness, very disappointing but hopefully one week on I seem to be on the mend. Between feeling very tired and coughing I have managed quite a bit of hobby time. Both painting and prepping figures. Only two things finished but quite a few others in the pipeline.

The Old Guard ‘Chasseurs à Pied’ these are the warlord figures which are really nicely sculpted. I picked them up second hand and found an extra figure in the box
So with a few additional figures I made the Regiment upto 30 men. Only one complaint which is the nice advancing pose means the bases don’t line up very well, I realise now too late ! I should have put them on deeper bases. The muskets are a bit bendy as well but I have coated them in superglue which gives them a bit more strength. We Ont see them much in Spain but they can happily fight the Russians. I have two more Victrix regiments in great coats to make up a guard brigade. I’m hoping they will be a bit quicker to paint ?
I was hoping at Claymore to pick up an M7 for my Americans but I literally couldn’t find one. The warlord version retails around £30 new ! This is one of those but a lucky secondhand find on eBay for a reasonable £15, it just needed repainting but even came with the crew. Quite happy with 3D prints but these resin models just have a lovely solid feel ?
I have barely been out of the house for a week so no Lake District pictures instead a few more from Naples earlier in the year……we left off last time with the Romans now the Castles.
There are several in and about the city Castel Nuovo one of the most famous, started in 1279 by Charles 1st of Anjou but then heavily modified/rebuilt from around 1450. It contains an art gallery, small museum and the council debating chamber.
Most interesting artefact, for me anyway are the old bronze doors which still display the cannon ball fired at the gates by the French in 1495 ?
Next up in the City Castel Sant Elmo, started around 1330 but then rebuilt as a star shaped fortification in the 16th Century. Massively impressive but hard to take a photo. You can get a cable car up the hill but it is then still quite a walk to the top of the ramparts. It is free to enter the first Sunday in each month, we were lucky.
The large arched ‘windows’ generally are gun emplacements covering the various entrances
Needless to say on a good day the views are spectacular and you can walk right around the 360 degree ramparts
Another art gallery (actually this might have been somewhere else) had a lovely period painting of Castel Nuovo when it was first rebuilt
A Neapolitan guard 
The third Castle in the City, Castel Capuano is hard to see as it is now the functioning law courts but close by is the Arched Porta Capuano which were again remodelled in the 1600’s. There is yet another castle in the city but it is currently closed so we didn’t visit
Further afield we visited the island of Procida, a very beautiful island. The Fort of Terra Murata is the highest point, another steep and very warm walk, the views are fantastic and after a suitable wait you can get a cold beer 🍺 the fortress is a bit disorganised, was once a prison and only small parts seem to be open others under repair
Again along the coast NW of Naples is the imposing Castello di Baia, once again an Aragonese fortress completely rebuilt in the 1600’s and still undergoing renovation, housing a large Roman and Ancient Greek museum.
A better shot from a distance overlooking the lovely harbour where they serve lovely seafood 🙂 

As you can imagine as a history fan Naples comes pretty highly recomended

Well that’s it for now, the next Naples installment will be the probably come along soon and hopefully more battles in the near future.

Thanks as always 



  1. Lovely looking chasseurs and M7, great pictures of Neopolitan castles! I do fancy a Napoleonic Neopolitan army, even if as Murat said "Dress them in whatever colours you want, they'll still run away!" or words to that effect, maybe after some Bavarians and or Saxons?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain yes I agree very enticing to build some Neapolitans but first I must finish my french and I have a Spanish brigade planned as well.

  2. That M7 was a great find and nicely painted up

  3. Sorry to hear you are crook again hope it clears up soon. Fine additions to the collections and splendid holiday shots.

    1. Thanks Phil, pretty much recovered now 🤔

  4. The French look excellent as dies the M7. Some fab looking castles too!

    1. Thanks Ray, Naples is so full of history 👍

  5. sorry to hear you have been sick again. Retirement not agreeing with you. French llok really great, at this rate I'm going to need more Russians. See you soon

    1. I’m certainly not going back to work ! The french are building up slowly but I’m certainly not buying anymore, plaentynin the lead pile already

  6. Lots of health!
    Beautiful painted stuff Matt!

  7. Hope you are on the mend Matt. The Chasseurs are very nice, look great and the M7 is a wee cracker, lovely model and very nicely painted.

    1. Thanks Donnie the M7 as a resin model has a really nice feel when you pick it up I just need a suitable Sicily game to get it out on the table

  8. Great looking Imperial Guardsmen, Matt. I someday may add a unit of them. Awesome looking sites and relics, too.

    1. Thanks Dean surely everybody should have some Old Guard ?

  9. Very fine additions, nice holiday pictures, get well soon!

  10. nice painting additions and I do LOVE pics of castles. There are far to few castles in America. 😁

    1. Thanks Stew, no castles but one of the ‘best’ civil wars !

  11. Hope you are feeling better soon Matt. Lovely additions both, but particulalry impressed with the French.

    1. Many thanks Michael the guards took a bit of time but the other two battalions I have to paint are in great coats so should be easier ?

  12. The hobby additions all look great as do the new images of your Italian holiday, Matt - shame you have picked up another bug, you do seem to have had more than your fair share of illnesses in the last 6 months or so. There are very few castles in New Zealand, either!

    1. Thanks Keith , yes too many bugs probably not mixing with enough people since covid and giving up work ? I guess NZ has some other advantages 👍

  13. Great work there Matt and hope you are beginning to feel better. Loads of lovely photos from your trip to lift one on a gloomy and drizzly day!

    1. Thanks Steve yes on the mend, after a few nice days we are back to rain for a couple of weeks I think 😢

  14. Stricken down by illness again? My! A guy retires and then all Hell breaks loose. Lovely additions to the collections but I am really impressed by your Naples' explorations. Nancy and I have yet to venture that far south in Italy yet. You make Naples look so inviting. We are pushing it up our travel wish List. Keet the great travelogues coming.

    1. Thanks Jon, Naples highly recommended and happy to share my limited experience 👍

  15. Fine looking new toys Matt…
    And very nice holiday snaps of an array of splendid fortifications.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly next up some church’s I think ?

  16. Great pictures of Naples Matt, and sorry to hear about the recent bout of illness. The Old Guard and M7 look terrific.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, I’m hoping to finish sharing the Naples pictures before my next holiday !
