Thursday 27 October 2022

Trotsky, Persians and more…

Some more painting time this week, continuing the recent theme I quickly focussed my enthusiasm on some Persian light troops who I have had in the lead pile for ages. foundry figures these I think so pretty easy to paint. Although the slingers each had to have the sling attached which was a bit fiddly. I kept the colours simple as they would have been the poorer troops. As I somehow ended up with 20 I extended the bases backwards to give that feel of the unit being spread out whilst keeping the frontage the same, this seems to have worked quite well so I may use this idea again.

Persian light troops
Trotsky is the Wargames Illustrated Giants in miniature figure, think I have had him for about 2 years so it was time he got painted.

Also invited to another remote battle with Jon this time replaying the battle of Ucles on his set up and a slightly larger scale. I am sure Jon will be posting a report on the battle if he hasn’t already. I will just share a couple of photos.
I chose the Christian’s on this occasion, the challenge is how to use the heavy cavalry without it just being burnt out ?
The second photo is right at the end of the battle, the suffice to say the Christians had a good day out crushing their way through the Almoravid lines, capturing their baggage, the one sided nature of the end result didn’t really reflect what felt like a very tight contest….and very enjoyable.

Hopefully another game this weekend …..but I have spent a lot of time this week on a major tidy up in the dungeon πŸ‘


  1. Great to be able to clear some of the backlog, the Persians look great.

    1. Thanks Stu…..during the tidy up I realise it is quite big backlog !!!!

  2. Persians and Trotsky look great! At Ucles, you really walloped me! Maybe I can return the favor next time? On battle reports, games to chronicle are piling up much faster than I can burn through them. I am very far behind,,,

    1. Thanks Jon….some lucky ‘ones’ rolled by the Christian’s , don’t stress about the reports πŸ‘

  3. Great work on the figures and on sacking Jonathan's baggage. Tidying the hobby room is a task I keep putting off, but know I should probably tackle it over the Christmas break.

    1. Thanks Lawrence the tidy up was much needed , like most wargamers I have collected far too much stuff. With retirement I am making some good progress I may even take some photos πŸ€”

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Neil the Foundry figures take the paint very nicely in my opinion πŸ‘

  5. Matt, you have a very respectable rate of passing figures over the painting table. I like the idea of expanding base depth rather than frontage. I did similar for my Wars of the Roses and felt that the overall effect is that it increases dynamism within the base / unit.

    1. Thanks Norm, I was keen to make the light troops especially the slingers look a bit more spread out, the added benefit which you may not be able to see in the photo is the extension is a separate base so it allows 7 figures to peel off as a skirmish unit if needed πŸ‘ I think I will be using this approach again in other units

  6. Fine work on the Persians there Matt. A tidy up is due here too once my wife returns to work after half-term as more lead is incoming and require some space!

    1. Thanks Steve, yes the tidy up is long overdue and quite challenging but I have made some progress πŸ‘

  7. Nice to see you aren't finding retirement too boring. The problem with tidying the dungeon will be inthe increase in the lead pile from all those forgotten treasures

    1. Haha retirement rocks ! I have found a lot of figures ! Which I had put to the back of my mind πŸ˜€

  8. Tidying up the dungeon? You know now that you will loose things for ages? Happens to me regularly in GHQ after tidying up! Nice Persian & Trotsky figures there too.

    1. Yes already getting that feeling that I don’t know where anything is , but I have a much better idea of my current lead pile now 😱

  9. Lots going on Matt, looks like retirement us suiting you just fine, and why wouldn't it, with such a wonderful, all encompassing hobby to keep you occupied and entertained??!

    1. Thanks Keith, I’m certainly not finding myself with much spare time with this wonderful hobby πŸ˜€

  10. That basing is very effective indeed and your Red Army will be inspired by the addition of Trotsky. Tidying is akin to putting something somewhere safe, you will never find things now.

    1. Thanks Phil….I am both worried I will have lost everything but also by the consolidation of my lead pile it has scared me πŸ˜€

  11. Some nice painting there Matt, I do like the Trotsky figure.

    1. Thanks George perhaps you might like a chance to handle Trotsky in our next encounter πŸ€”

  12. Fine looking toys Matt…
    Trotsky also gets my vote.

    All the best. Aly

  13. Persians and Trotsky look great! How's the Napoleonics going? Tidying is an ongoing thing for me, never ending!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, you have pricked my conscience the Naps need some attention but I have been painting loads of other stuff ! I need to keep going on the tidying as it isn’t finished yet, but getting better in the dungeon πŸ‘
