Thursday, 7 December 2023

Battle of Cabra 1079 and Smolensk Campaign

Two battles this week to report on. First up a remote ‘hex’ game returning to the Reconquista. The battle took place in 1079 between the Islamic states of Granada and Seville with each side supported by Castillian mercenaries. On the side of Seville El Cid lead in his Christian knights with the Granadian force led by Count Garcia Ordonez. Having searched quite hard I was unable to find anything other than the very thinest of details about the battle. This means I have pretty much made up the forces to create a balanced battle !

The two forces arrayed against each other
Both sides are predominantly Arabs light troops with a small number of Christian mercenary knights.
The Granadian force has slightly more light cavalry on both wings
The Cid impetuous is at the frown on his battle line but will he charge into the fray ?
I didn’t take too many photos of the battle but I did need to capture this one, having chosen to charge in El Cid is thrown back and he retreats back through his own lines !
After several turns of long range shooting the armies are balanced both sides looking for a weakness
Count Garcia also takes the battle to the enemy, eventually breaking through the Sevillian lines and winning an advantage on their right.
But then……..from nowhere the Granadian force falls apart, the enemy knights break through regroup and cause chaos
And in the centre eventually the enemy ‘black guard’ break through butchering the enemy as they go. Literally within two turns the battle went from being close to a massacre ! Such is the way of things, a very enjoyable battle despite the demise of my force !

Next up delayed from last week I went done to George’s to play the next battle in our Smolensk Campaign.
Here is the lovely table setup, the Germans are attacking from the far side against my Russians. The Russians have managed to setup in cover and await the expected German onslaught. Luckily and perhaps mirroring history the Russians surprise the Germans by deploying a single KV.
The Russian infantry cower in the woods whilst the KV rumbles out into the open
The Germans deploying in cover and organising their troops before kicking off the attack. Now at this stage those that have played Chain of Command will know that just occasionally battles don’t go as you expect !
The shock and power of the KV seems to throw the Germans into confusion, having taken a number of casualties amongst their infantry and then having their only armour blown to pieces the Germans decide to pull back. A famous if slightly unexpected victory for the Russians. A fun battle although possible not one the Germans will want to remember. As the campaign approaches its end the Russians now have a chance to put the campaign beyond the Germans but that will require some more luck ?

More gaming planned in for the weekend with another run out of the Peninsular collection.



  1. You really are making up for lost time after being laid low for a while Matt. Two lovely looking games.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, yes I seem to have quite a few games planned at the moment just the way it goes 👍

  2. Great games, sure look like fun.

  3. Hex mat continues to give good service, that is a lovely figure collection. Early war, a KV is a tough guy! Looking forward to seeing the Peninsular guys hitting the table. I am just doing the matt varnish to 20 French Light and they seem to have taken ages to paint ….. and they have greatcoats!

    1. The hex really only see service against Jon but it works well remotely, and normally gives a close battle ! Good luck with those french keep plugging away 👍

  4. "Urrah, urrah, URRAH!" Krasnaya Armiya! Great couple of battles and at least you won one of them Matt!

    1. Thanks Keith the Smolensk battle was a very peculiar affair which seems to occasionally happen with CoC. Defenders dug in and lots of open ground make it very hard to drive an attack home. The KV really did throw the Germans off as they had only brought two options to deal with it and even they required extreme luck to knock it out. Effectively it acted as an almost indestructible machine gun base, but next time we are on the attack so I might need to be even more devious ?

  5. Lovely pair of battles, the derelict truck in the Smolensk game looks great!
    Best Iain

  6. Matt, the Reconquista game was really great fun. When El Cid turned tail and ran away early on, I thought I was done for. The battle was quite close until the flood gates opened and Christians spilled out and covered the battlefield. Those large heavy infantry units with archers in support are quite a deadly combination.

  7. A couple of lovely looking games Matt…
    I think the first appearance of the KV would put anyone into a state of confusion 😱

    All the best. Aly
