Sunday 17 December 2023

French Dragoons !

Well that is what it said on the tin so here they are…….

16th Dragoons

Perry miniatures and my second Regiment, not sure I can see me painting a third as I have lots of other cavalry to paint before then, including a second regiment of Chasseurs, Pink facings of course. No prizes but see if you can spot the two gaffs I have made 🫣🫣🫣 I spotted them both too late to change. Of course there may be more than two which is kind of a bad feeling ?

Hoping to get some more stuff painted before the end of the year.

Thanks as always….soon a Christmas post perhaps 



  1. Fine looking dragoons, Matt! I do like a puzzle.

    My Gaff Vote goes to:
    (1) Trumpeter. The tuft of horsehair mane on the crest ought to be white like the rest of the mane.
    (2) If cuffs are showing then they ought to be pink. If gauntlets, the gloves should be white to match the uppers.

  2. Lovely work Matt, beautifully done. I painted 15th with pink facings a couple of years ago, but can't see any obvious errors with yours so I'll defer to Jonathan here.

  3. They look fine to me Matt - but I thought Ridley Scotts Napoleon was ok, so what do I know?! Are the carbines slung the wrong sway perhaps??

    1. Thanks Keith…not sure how you could have enjoyed Ridley’s film.

  4. Matt, lovely stuff and reminds me to be less fearful of getting napoleonic cavalry done. Gaff? The only one I can see is that they are in your collection and note mine :-)

    1. Thanks Norm , not sure that counts as a gaff πŸ˜€

  5. Very dandy dragoons Matt. Gaffs? Not enough or too many buttons perhaps?πŸ˜‚

  6. What a fine unit and not knowing enough to spot the 'gaff's', they look perfectly OK to my untutored eye!

  7. Great looking figures. I don't know enough about the French uniforms to spot any mistakes. They need an outing on the table.

    1. Thanks Joe , hopefully an outing in the new year ?

  8. Not a lace freak or button counter so they look excellent to me. As my late father would say, A blind man on a galloping horse would be glad to see them.

    1. Thanks David……not sure the British will be happy to see them ?

  9. fantastic, look forward to wiping them out

  10. Well thanks all that is enough of this embarrassing self loathing pain the two main gaff’s are the trumpeter shouldn’t really be wearing the helmet with the plume, which is really for the grenadiers. Secondly and well spotted Keith they all seem to be carrying their carbines upside down ! Obviously I should have checked before putting them together πŸ€ͺ as many of you have said they are good enough so I’m not changing anything πŸ‘

  11. Beautiful Dragoons, Matt. I couldn't spot any errors - although I will defer to Jonathan's observations.

  12. They look damn fine to me Matt…
    Regimental Colonels seemed to have had a fair bit of leeway on how they chose to dress their trumpeters… not always official though…
    So the plume could be a personal affectation .
    I was too busy going ‘Ooooh! They are pretty’ to notice the guns.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly I will take that ‘Leeway’ with gratitude πŸ˜€

  13. They looked good to me Matt, however now being a big Napoleonic fan, any gaffs wouldn't be noticeable. The closest I shall come is figures for Silver Bayonet, which I am already dreading & will likely copy the paint schemes of the boxart. Have a Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks Terry , as most people know I’m not really a button counter I was just cross with myself for sticking the guns up the wrong way πŸ€ͺ

  14. They look great, I've got one more unit of French dragoons to painting and they will be pink faced, don't see you've done any gaffs, the carbines should be but down , which yours are and I've got plenty of references for trumpeters with plumes so win win!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain like others you have saved my embarrassment πŸ˜€ obviously if I hadn’t been really unhappy I would have changed things but they are small issues πŸ‘
