Tuesday 19 December 2023

Bergen U-Boat base : Norway 1940

Probably the last battle in the dungeon before Christmas although possibly not  the last of the year. Nothing very historical but a chance to get the U-boat back on the table. This time the Norwegians will be attacking. The scenario was originally developed as a remote game but due to some last minute changes it was expanded to a slightly larger face to face battle.

The Norwegians have three objectives, the large bunker in the foreground, the Uboat of course and a second bunker by the gate in the distance. The Kreigsmarine start the game on the boat, whilst German reserves will arrive from two possible roads accessing the harbour area. The Norwegians will arrive from three of the corners as directed by their commander. All the squads are fairly small to ensure a quick moving battle.
A Norwegian sniper and a single squad get into the harbour
More arrive from the woods beyond the fence
German reserves also arrive
The Kreigsmarine after some initial shooting move off the boat to delay the attack, the Norwegians have a light Howitzer which manages to hit the machine gun on the top of the U boat with its first shell !
The bulk of the Norwegian infantry break through the fence, more Germans arrive behind them down the road through the woods and a firefight starts in the woods
Harbour guards run off across one of the bridges
Some of the sailors are cut down, but the Norwegians don’t want to break cover yet
But then suddenly they run out into combat, they are then cut down themselves before getting onto the boat
At the other end another unit makes a break from cover to try and make it onto the boat
They make it and knock out the machine gun set up on the deck
Again these Norwegians are themselves knocked out by German reinforcements.
The Germans are now clinging on ! As nearly all of their units have been knocked out, the Norwegian commander makes a bid to get onto the boat
At this point the German defence collapsed with pretty much all their forces knocked out, the Norwegians have blown the bunker by the gate, and have made it to the Uboat even if it hasn’t been blown up in time.
The end result which wasn’t really important was somewhere between a draw and a minor victory to the Norwegians, they certainly have the advantage  at this point. They were slightly slow to set off which cost them a stronger victory.

A fun time and a suitable game to finish up before Christmas. I will be posting a Christmas post with some reviews of 2023 in the next few days. But for now I hope you enjoyed the picture of the U boat at least it survived for another battle.

Thanks as always Matt


  1. A great shot from the Norwegians to take out one of the machine guns on the U-boat with its first attempt. That looked like another fun scenario.

    1. Thanks Lawrence….they rolled a lucky 6 first turn !

  2. Splendid looking game and sounds like loads of fun!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain…..thankfully most of our games provide some fun ๐Ÿ‘

  3. Very cool. Have a great Christmas and see you in the new year

    1. Thanks Martin plenty more gaming for the new year planned ๐Ÿ‘

  4. Game looks great! Sorry I missed this one. It would been nice to see the Norwegians win one.

    1. Hope you are recovering in time for the festivities. We will sort out some games in the new year ๐Ÿ‘

  5. A splendid game of derring do there Matt.

  6. A rousing finalรฉ for a year of splendid games down in the Dungeon! Happy Christmas Matt!

    1. Thanks David I have put together a bit of a review so you might get to see some of the games again ๐Ÿ‘

  7. Lovely table and nice to see the U-Boat back in action.

    1. Thanks Norm , I felt I needed to get some use from it as in reality it only a has a few options, perhaps another Sealion scenario int he new year ?

  8. Lovely looking game!
    Merry Christmas Matt!

  9. Cracking stuff Matt…
    That looked like a lot of fun.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly….fun is of course the main objective of the lovely hobby ๐Ÿ‘

  10. Fantastic game there Matt and a fine way to end the year games wise:)!

    1. Thanks Steve an enjoyable battle but I’m not sure when the u boat will be out again ?

  11. Excellent way to get your lovely U Boot into a game Matt - a great scenario with lots going on!

    1. Thanks Keith at least I got the Uboat back on the table not sure when it will happen again ๐Ÿค”
