Saturday 20 April 2019

Theseus and the Minotaur : Dragon Rampant

Well not quite exactly the legend but perhaps the sequel ? Theseus and his band of Athenians having escaped the labyrinth are now travelling home laden with treasures. As they make their way through the mountains they are ambushed by a fearsome Beast Herd their objective is to cut their way through with as much of their baggage as they can.
Struggling with the booty (each unit laden with booty has an extra free move but is then restricted and they can only fight defensively)
Theseus seen here leading his band of Athenians 
But there is trouble ahead and out of the trees the sound of cloven hooves
The beasts come on from all directions, fast moving centigors......
Theseus sends out his light cavalry to scout ahead
An overview of the ambush, Theseus is attempting to get to the far left corner of the battlefield
Some of the Athenians form up into a phalanx, shields to the ready
They have made it half way to the ru8ned temple but now they are going to have to fight for their lives
........and more winged beasts arrive from the rear !
While light cavalry hold back the herd with javelins the infantry prepare to be charged
Theseus urging a second unit forward
Then out of the woods charges a Minotaur Theseus immediately charges in hand to hand combat honours even
When the beast is pushed back it then charges the infantry
At this point in the battle it was all going the way of the Athenians..............
And then it all changed so quickly I didn’t even capture it on photo, somehow the Athenians snatched defeat from victory and lost all three objectives in a single turn ?!?!πŸ€”πŸ˜©
The beast herd reunited......we debated what the herd would do with the catch when they got them back to the herdstone eat them or marry them ? Perhaps best not thinking too hard πŸ˜€

A very enjoyable game, something different and great fun.


  1. Great little action and an awesome Minotaur!

    1. Thanks Jonathan.....Games Workshops finest.

  2. Beautiful game! I'm working on Hoplites now :)

    1. Luckily I already have a lot of Hoplites πŸ™‚

  3. The Athenians look a nice paint job, the 'others', well, I think you know by now. Still, you had fun so each to their own.

    1. Thanks David ......hopefully something more your style soon

  4. Thus the robbers were robbed in return. Some awesome wee beasties there Matt.

    1. Thanks Phil...the beasts returned to the beasts !

  5. Fabulous report Matt, I am becoming more and more enchanted with the Rules.

    1. Thanks Michael.....the rules work for those occasions you want something simple and easy to play πŸ™‚

  6. Great looking fun battle report!
    Best Iain
